Kermeta Programming Language

In my recent adventures researching modeling languages I came across a language not previously mentioned on Lambda-the-Ultimate.org called Kermeta. From the reference manual:

Kermeta is a Domain Specific Language dedicated to metamodel engineering. It fills the gap let by MOF which defines only the structure of meta-models, by adding a way to specify static semantic (similar to OCL) and dynamic semantic (using operational semantic in the operation of the metamodel). Kermeta uses the object-oriented paradigm like Java or Eiffel.

There is a list of published papers related to Kermeta here.

Open Multi-Methods for C++

Peter Pirkelbauer, Yuriy Solodkyy, and Bjarne Stroustrup. Open Multi-Methods for C++. Proc. ACM 6th International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE). October 2007.

Multiple dispatch – the selection of a function to be invoked based on the dynamic type of two or more arguments – is a solution to several classical problems in object-oriented programming. Open multi-methods generalize multiple dispatch towards open-class extensions, which improve separation of concerns and provisions for retroactive design. We present the rationale, design, implementation, and performance of a language feature, called open multi-methods, for C++ . Our open multi-methods support both repeated and virtual inheritance... ...our approach is simpler to use, catches more user mistakes, and resolves more ambiguities through link-time analysis, runs significantly faster, and requires less memory. In particular, the runtime cost of calling an open multimethod is constant and less than the cost of a double dispatch (two virtual function calls). Finally, we provide a sketch of a design for open multi-methods in the presence of dynamic loading and linking of libraries.

Who said C++ isn't evolving?

The discussion in section 4 of the actual implementation (using EDG) is particularly detailed, which is a bonus.

Avi Bryant: Ruby IS-A Smalltalk

A short audio presentation (Avi speaks for less than ten minutes, I guess), about the lessons the Ruby community should learn from Smalltalk. It's mainly about turtles-all-the-way-down, but Self (fast VMs), GemStone (transactional distributed persistence), Seaside (web frameworks) are also mentioned briefly.

Dependent Classes

Vaidas Gasiunas, Mira Mezini, Klaus Ostermann. Dependent Classes. OOPSLA'07.
Virtual classes allow nested classes to be refined in subclasses. In this way nested classes can be seen as dependent abstractions of the objects of the enclosing classes. Expressing dependency via nesting, however, has two limitations: Abstractions that depend on more than one object cannot be modeled and a class must know all classes that depend on its objects. This paper presents dependent classes, a generalization of virtual classes that expresses similar semantics by parameterization rather than by nesting. This increases expressivity of class variations as well as the flexibility of their modularization. Besides, dependent classes complement multimethods in scenarios where multi-dispatched abstractions rather than multi-dispatched methods are needed. They can also be used to express more precise signatures of multimethods and even extend their dispatch semantics. We present a formal semantics of dependent classes and a machine-checked type soundness proof in Isabelle/HOL, the first of this kind for a language with virtual classes and path-dependent types.
I enjoyed this talk at OOPSLA, although I was not able to see the end, and I enjoyed the paper even more. There's been so much work on virtual classes in recent years, and while I very clearly see a strong practical motivation for this work, I admit that I find it difficult to keep track of the technical trade-offs between different approaches. This, plus the persistent limitations mentioned in the abstract, lends some of the papers an unfortunately tedious feel (to me). I find this work refreshing, since it introduces a substantial new idea in this area. (And of course, one of the authors posts here regularly...)

Squeak by Example

Squeak by Example is an open-source book about Squeak. Squeak is an open-source implementation of the Smalltalk-80 programming language and environment...

A first version of the book is planned to be released mid-September, 2007. The book will be available for free download as PDF. We will also offer the possibility to order a print-on-demand copy. The complete LaTeX sources will also be available for download.

You can browse the LaTex files in the svn repository.

Establishing Object Invariants with Delayed Types

Establishing Object Invariants with Delayed Types. Manuel Fähndrich, Songtao Xia.

Mainstream object-oriented languages such as C# and Java provide an initializationmodel for objects that does not guarantee programmer controlled initialization of fields. Instead, all fields are initialized to default values (0 for scalars and null for non-scalars) on allocation. This is in stark contrast to functional languages, where all parts of an allocation are initialized to programmer-provided values. These choices have a direct impact on two main issues: 1) the prevalence of null in object oriented languages (and its general absence in functional languages), and 2) the ability to initialize circular data structures. This paper explores connections between these differing approaches and proposes a fresh look at initialization. Delayed types are introduced to express and formalize prevalent initialization patterns in object-oriented languages.

It's interesting to note that in Ada type definitions can contain initializers (i.e., initialization expressions), partly because constructors were introduced into the language only in the second revision of the language (Ada95).

Validity Invariants and Effects

Validity Invariants and Effects, Yi Lu, John Potter and Jingling Xue. ECOOP 2007.

Object invariants describe the consistency of object states, and are crucial for reasoning about the correctness of object-oriented programs. However, reasoning about object invariants in the presence of object abstraction and encapsulation, arbitrary object aliasing and re-entrant method calls, is difficult. We present a general framework for reasoning about object invariants based on a behavioural abstraction that specifies two sets---the validity invariant, representing objects that must be valid before and after the behaviour, and the validity effect, describing objects that may be invalidated during the behaviour. The overlap of these two sets is critical because it captures precisely those objects that need to be re-validated at the end of the behaviour. When there is no overlap, no further validity checking is required. We also present a type system based on this framework. This system uses ownership types to confine dependencies for object invariants, and restricts permissible updates to track where object invariants hold even in the presence of re-entrant calls, but otherwise object referenceability and read access are not restricted.

I really liked this paper, but I think it might need a few preliminary explanations. There's a style of verification of OO programs based on "object invariants", which is the idea that you ensure that each object has an invariant, which every method maintains. Then verification is local, in the sense that you can verify each class's invariants independently. (This is used in the Boogie methodology used by Spec#, for instance.)

However, there are a couple of wrinkles. First, aliasing: every object's invariant depends on some of the objects in its fields, and you don't want random aliases letting strangers modify your representation objects underneath your feet. So you introduce a notion of ownership to help track who has permission to mess with each object. Second, reentrancy: suppose the middle of a method body has temporarily broken the object's invariant, and you call another method on the object? You don't a priori know the call is safe.

The type system the authors have introduced here tracks ownership and possibly-dangerous reentrant calls. The really clever part is that instead of just rejecting programs that fail these checks, they log all of the places where things break. So instead of saying "yes" or "no", the type system says "yes" or "manually verify the following things". So it's a labor-saving device for a verification methodology.

Morphing: Safely Shaping a Class in the Image of Others

Morphing: Safely Shaping a Class in the Image of Others, Shan Shan Huang, David Zook, and Yannis Smaragdakis. ECOOP 2007.

We present MJ: a language for specifying general classes whose members are produced by iterating over members of other classes. We call this technique “class morphing” or just “morphing”. Morphing extends the notion of genericity so that not only types of methods and fields, but also the structure of a class can vary according to type variables. This offers the ability to express common programming patterns in a highly generic way that is otherwise not supported by conventional techniques. For instance, morphing lets us write generic proxies (i.e., classes that can be parameterized with another class and export the same public methods as that class); default implementations (e.g., a generic do-nothing type, configurable for any interface); semantic extensions (e.g., specialized behavior for methods that declare a certain annotation); and more. MJ’s hallmark feature is that, despite its emphasis on generality, it allows modular type checking: an MJ class can be checked independently of its uses. Thus, the possibility of supplying a type parameter that will lead to invalid code is detected early—an invaluable feature for highly general components that will be statically instantiated by other programmers.

This is related to the paper by Turon and Reppy I linked to yesterday; it's another take on compile-time metaprogramming. This time they have a static iteration over the structure of a class, which makes their safety result rather impressive. I talked Huang, and she told me that their big-picture goal is to eventually build a full language for manipulating programs at compile time, while still preserving all the safety guarantees we expect.

Ralph Johnson: Erlang, the next Java

A nice blog post about Erlang. Nothing new here for those following the Erlang story, but a nice summary of several important themes none the less. Some choice quotes:

The thing that bugs me about [Armstrong's] book (and about his talks) is that he make more fuss than he should about the functional language aspect of Erlang and not enough about the OO aspect. In fact, he denies that it is OO.

Processes in Erlang are objects. At the beginning of my course on OO design, I explain three views of OO programming. The Scandinavian view is that an OO system is one whose creators realize that programming is modeling. The mystical view is that an OO system is one that is built out of objects that communicate by sending messages to each other, and computation is the messages flying from object to object. The software engineering view is that an OO system is one that supports data abstraction, polymorphism by late-binding of function calls, and inheritance. Erlang is a perfect example of the actor model, which is an example of the mystical view.

Moreover, given several kinds of processes that have a common protocol and that share some things in common, it is easy to factor out the commonality into a function that they can both call. This is similar to class inheritance. So, you could even say that Erlang supports inheritance...

Domain-Specific Aspect Languages

Although the majority of work in the AOSD community focuses on general-purpose aspect languages (e.g. AspectJ), seminal work on AOSD proposed a number of domain-specific aspect languages, such as COOL for concurrency management and RIDL for serialization, RG, AML, and others. A growing trend of research in the AOSD community is returning to this seminal work

Since it seems it is DSL week around here, and since Domain-Specific Aspect Languages were not discussed here before as far as I can remember, I think now may be an appropriate time to discuss this notion.

To begin the tour, head out to the web page of the first DSAL workshop: DSAL'06 which "approached domain-specific aspect languages from a language implementation point of view, where advances in the field of domain-specific language engineering were investigated to answer the implementation challenges of aspect languages," and then move over to DSAL'07 which dealt with the design and implementation of new domain-specific aspect languages in more detail.

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