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Teaching & LearningTensor Considered HarmfulTensor Considered Harmful, by Alexander Rush
Thanks to Edward Z. Yang for pointing me to this "Considered Harmful" position paper. By Z-Bo at 2019-06-27 14:26 | Critiques | Implementation | Teaching & Learning | 6 comments | other blogs | 78545 reads
Seven Sketches in Compositionality: An Invitation to Applied Category Theory
Seven Sketches in Compositionality: An Invitation to Applied Category Theory
2018 by Brendan Fong and David I. Spivak Category theory is becoming a central hub for all of pure mathematics. It is unmatched in its ability to organize and layer abstractions, to find commonalities between structures of all sorts, and to facilitate communication between different mathematical communities. But it has also been branching out into science, informatics, and industry. We believe that it has the potential to be a major cohesive force in the world, building rigorous bridges between disparate worlds, both theoretical and practical. The motto at MIT is mens et manus, Latin for mind and hand. We believe that category theory—and pure math in general—has stayed in the realm of mind for too long; it is ripe to be brought to hand.A very approachable but useful introduction to category theory. It avoids the Scylla and Charybdis of becoming incomprehensible after page 2 (as many academic texts do), and barely scratching the surface (as many popular texts do). By Andris Birkmanis at 2019-04-28 03:53 | Category Theory | Teaching & Learning | 2 comments | other blogs | 88731 reads
Simon Peyton Jones elected into the Royal Society FellowshipSimon Peyton Jones has been elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society. The Royal Society biography reads:
Congratulations SPJ! By Ohad Kammar at 2016-04-30 19:44 | Functional | General | Implementation | Paradigms | Semantics | Software Engineering | Spotlight | Teaching & Learning | Theory | 4 comments | other blogs | 64354 reads
Static vs. Dynamic Languages: A Literature ReviewWe've mentioned some empirical studies of programming languages a few times, but I haven't seen a comprehensive list we can use as a reference. Fortunately, I just came across this pretty decent overview of existing literature on how types impact development. Agree or disagree with Dan Luu's position, the comprehensive list warrants a front-page post in my opinion. One point worth noting is that all the studies used relatively inexpressive languages with bland type systems, like C and Java, and compared those against typed equivalents. A future study ought to compare a more expressive language, like OCaml, Haskell or F#, which should I think would yield more pertinent data to this age-old debate. Part of the benefits of types allegedly surround documentation to help refactoring without violating invariants. So another future study I'd like to see is one where participants develop a program meeting certain requirements in their language of choice. They will have as much time as needed to satisfy a correctness test suite. They should then be asked many months later to add a new feature to the program they developed. I expect that the maintenance effort required of a language is more important than the effort required of initial development, because programs change more often than they are written from scratch. This could be a good thread on how to test the various beliefs surrounding statically typed and dynamically languages. If you have any studies that aren't mentioned above, or some ideas on what would make a good study, let's hear it! By naasking at 2015-11-26 19:19 | General | Teaching & Learning | 219 comments | other blogs | 61708 reads
Using Commutative Assessments to Compare Conceptual Understanding in Blocks-based and Text-based ProgramsUsing Commutative Assessments to Compare Conceptual Understanding in Blocks-based and Text-based Programs, David Weintrop, Uri Wilensky. Proceedings of the eleventh annual International Conference on International Computing Education Research. Via Computing Education Blog.
By Manuel J. Simoni at 2015-08-17 12:25 | Paradigms | Teaching & Learning | 1 comment | other blogs | 9934 reads
Eve: the development diary of a programming environment aimed at non-programmersIn spring 2012 Chris Granger successfully completed a Kickstarter fundraising and got $300K (instead of the requested $200K) to work on a live-feedback IDE inspired by Bret Victor "Inventing on principle" talk. The IDE project was called Light Table. It initially supported Clojure (the team's favourite language) only, but eventually added support for Javascript and Python. In January 2014, Light Table was open sourced, and in October 2014 the Light Table development team announced that they decided to create a new language, Eve, that would be a better fit for their vision of programming experience. There is little public about Eve so far, no precise design documents, but the development team has a public monthly Development Diary that I found fairly interesting. It displays an interesting form of research culture, with in particular recurrent reference to academic works that are coming from outside the programming-language-research community: database queries, Datalog evaluation, distributed systems, version-control systems. This diary might be a good opportunity to have a look at the internals of a language design process (or really programming environment design) that is neither academic nor really industrial in nature. It sounds more representative (I hope!) of the well-educated parts of startup culture.
The public/target for the language is described as "non-programmers", but in fact it looks like their control group has some previous experience of Excel. (I would guess that experimenting with children with no experience of programming at all, including no Excel work, could have resulted in very different results.) Posts so far, by Jamie Brandon:
Some random quotes. Retrospective: Excited, we presented our prototype to a small number of non-programmers and sat back to watch the magic. To our horror, not a single one of them could figure out what the simple example program did or how it worked, nor could they produce any useful programs themselves. The sticking points were lexical scope and data structures. Every single person we talked to just wanted to put data in an Excel-like grid and drag direct references. Abstraction via symbol binding was not an intuitive or well-liked idea. [...]
[...] In a traditional imperative language, [context] is provided by access to dynamic scoping (or global variables - the poor mans dynamic scope) or by function parameters. In purely functional languages it can only be provided by function parameters, which is a problem when a deeply buried function wants to access some high up data and it has to be manually threaded through the entire callstack. December: Eve processes can now spawn subprocesses and inject code into them. Together with the new communication API this allowed much of the IDE architecture to be lifted into Eve. When running in the browser only the UI manager lives on the main thread - the editor, the compiler and the user's program all live in separate web-workers. The editor uses the process API to spawn both the compiler and the user's program and then subscribes to the views it needs for the debugging interface. Both the editor and the user's program send graphics data to the UI manager and receiving UI events in return. Dependently-Typed Metaprogramming (in Agda)Conor McBride gave an 8-lecture summer course on Dependently typed metaprogramming (in Agda) at the Cambridge University Computer Laboratory:
The lecture notes, code, and video captures are available online. As with his previous course, the notes contain many(!) mind expanding exploratory exercises, some of which quite challenging. By Ohad Kammar at 2013-08-30 07:34 | Category Theory | Functional | Lambda Calculus | Meta-Programming | Paradigms | Semantics | Teaching & Learning | Theory | Type Theory | 5 comments | other blogs | 18437 reads
Socio-PLT: Principles for Programming Language AdoptionIn their survey paper and their website, Leo Meyerovich and Ari Rabkin take Jared Diamond approach to explaining Programming Language adoption.
There are also videos of talks available from Splash 2012 and Google Tech Talks. See also previous discussions. By bashyal at 2013-02-27 03:49 | General | Teaching & Learning | 1 comment | other blogs | 13322 reads
Brown CS: CSCI 1730: Programming Languages: On-Line Offering
This is a great opportunity! I have relied heavily on Shriram's lecture notes when I was starting out. It is nice to see that he promises to give personal recognition for those who participate, and even has a system in place for giving partial credit to busy professionals who cannot spare the time to do all the assignments and projects. My only misgiving is that the course uses Racket; I wish it was in Scheme. Google Blockly Lets You Hack With No KeyboardFollowing on from recent discussions about graphical languages in the Russian space program, here's a recent story about Google's new visual programming language. Cade Metz, "Google Blockly Lets You Hack With No Keyboard", Wired Enterprise.
As the Blockly FAQ says, "Blockly was influenced by App Inventor, which in turn was influenced by Scratch." So if you've seen Scratch before, this will look very familiar. If you haven't seen Scratch, and want to have a go with Blockly, you can find the maze demo from the Wired story here. |
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