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Lambda CalculusDanaLuke Palmer and Nick Szabo can shoot me for this if they want, but I think this is warranted, and I want to connect a couple of dots as well. Luke is one of a number of computer scientists, with Conal Elliott probably being the best known, who have devoted quite a bit of attention to Functional Reactive Programming, or FRP. FRP has been discussed on LtU off and on over the years, but, unusually for LtU IMHO, does not seem to have gotten the traction that some other similarly abstruse subjects have. In parallel, LtU has had a couple of interesting threads about Second Life's economy, smart contracts, usage control, denial of service, technical vs. legal remedies, and the like. I would particularly like to call attention to this post by Nick Szabo, in which he discusses a contract language that he designed:
In recent private correspondence, Nick commented that he'd determined that he was reinventing synchronous programming à la Esterel, and mentioned "Reactive" programming. Ding! To make a potentially long entry somewhat shorter, Luke is working on a new language, Dana, which appears to have grown out of some frustration with existing FRP systems, including Conal Elliot's Reactive, currently perhaps the lynchpin of FRP research. Luke's motivating kickoff post for the Dana project can be found here, and there are several follow-up posts, including links to experimental source code repositories. Of particularly motivating interest, IMHO, is this post, where Luke discusses FRP's interaction with garbage collection succinctly but nevertheless in some depth. Luke's most recent post makes the connection from Dana, which Luke has determined needs to have a dependently-typed core, to Illative Combinatory Logic, explicit, and offers a ~100 line type checker for the core. I find this very exciting, as I believe strongly in the project of being able to express computation centered on time, in the sense of Nick's contract language, in easy and safe ways extremely compelling. I've intuited for some time now that FRP represents a real breakthrough in moving us past the Von Neumann runtime paradigm in fundamental ways, and between Conal Elliott's and Luke's work (and no doubt that of others), it seems to me that my sense of this may be borne out, with Nick's contract language, or something like it, as an initial application realm. So I wanted to call attention to Luke's work, and by extension recapitulate Conal's and Nick's, both for the PLT aspects that Luke's clearly represents, but also as a challenge to the community to assist in the realization of Nick's design efforts, if at all possible. By Paul Snively at 2009-02-18 21:55 | Functional | General | Implementation | Lambda Calculus | Semantics | Theory | Type Theory | 17 comments | other blogs | 16224 reads
Parameterized Notions of ComputationParameterized Notions of Computation, Robert Atkey, JFP 2008.
Once you've programmed with monads for a while, it's pretty common to start defining parameterized families of monads -- e.g., we might define a family of type constructors for IO, in which the program type additionally tracks which files the computation reads and writes from. This is a very convenient programming pattern, but the theory of it is honestly a little sketchy: on what basis do we conclude that the indices we define actually track what we intend them to? And furthermore, why can we believe that (say) the monadic equational laws still apply? That's the question Atkey lays out a nice solution to. He gives a nice categorical semantics for indexed, effectful computations, and then cooks up lambda calculi whose equational theory corresponds to the equations his semantics justifies. The application to delimited continuations is quite nice, and the type theories can also give a little insight into the basics of how stuff like Hoare Type Theory works (which uses parameterized monads, with a very sophisticated language of parameters). On a slightly tangential note, this also raises in my mind a methodological point. Over the last n years, we've seen many people identify certain type constructors, whose usage is pervasive, and greatly simplified with some syntactic extensions -- monads, comonads, applicative functors, arrows, and so on. It's incredible to suggest that we have exhausted the list of interesting types, and so together they constitute a good argument for some kind of language extension mechanism, such as macros. However, all these examples also raise the bar for when a macro is a good idea, because what makes them compelling is precisely that the right syntax yields an interesting and pretty equational theory in the extended language. By neelk at 2009-02-11 21:40 | Category Theory | Lambda Calculus | Semantics | Type Theory | 16 comments | other blogs | 15898 reads
SEP entry on Combinatory LogicThere's a new entry on Combinatory Logic in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. I haven't perused it yet, so please share opinions and comments. Unchecked Exceptions can be Strictly More Powerful than Call/CCHere's a little light reading for your day-after-Labor-Day (or whatever yesterday was where you live): Unchecked Exceptions can be Strictly More Powerful than Call/CC, Mark Lillibridge and Olivier Danvy, 1999, Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation.
I have to say that on seeing the title I was surprised: I cut my functional teeth on Scheme and every baby Schemer sucks up the knowledge that call/cc lets you create all manner of flow control including exceptions. But, as the paper makes clear, that's not necessarily the case in a statically-typed context. Edit: Citeseerx was not responding very well, here's an alternative URL for the paper. By James Iry at 2008-09-02 15:39 | Functional | Lambda Calculus | Type Theory | 16 comments | other blogs | 35854 reads
A located lambda calculusA located lambda calculus. Ezra Cooper and Philip Wadler. Submitted to ICFP 2008.
This paper is technical, and I assume most LtU members will mainly read sections 1, 5 & 6. Figure 5 is definition of the located LC. By Ehud Lamm at 2008-05-04 19:25 | Lambda Calculus | Parallel/Distributed | 7 comments | other blogs | 10439 reads
Register Allocation by Proof TransformationRegister Allocation by Proof Transformation, Atsushi Ohori. ESOP 2003.
The idea that making uses of the structural rules explicit gives you proof terms to model register-memory moves is very pretty. Another fun thing to do would be to take a continuation calculus and apply the ideas here to see if it produces a good low-level IR. EDIT: Ehud asked for some further exposition, so here goes. At a high level, you can think of the need to do register allocation as arising from a mismatch between a programming language and the hardware. In a language, we refer to data using variables, and in any given expression, we can use as many variables as we like. However, when a CPU does stuff, it wants the data to be in registers -- and it has only a small, finite set of them. So when a program is compiled, some variables can be represented by registers, and the rest must be represented by locations in memory (usually on the stack). Whenever the CPU needs to use a variable in memory, there must be explicit code to move it from memory into a register. The idea in this paper is to take the typing derivation of a program with an unbounded variable set, and then divide the context into two parts, one representing the register file and the other representing variables in memory. In terms of the implementation, moves between these two zones correspond to register-memory moves; and in terms of logic, this is a use of the structural rule of Exchange, which permutes the order of variables in a context. So this gives us a high-level, machine-independent characterization of the register allocation problem: take a one-zone derivation and convert it to a two-zone derivation. But it gets even better: as long as the register allocation algorithm only adds uses of the structural rules in its transformation, we know that the meaning of the original program is unchanged -- so this method also yields a simple way of proving that a register allocation pass is semantics-preserving. (The fact that this is an easy proof is one indication of the power of this idea.) By neelk at 2008-04-11 22:08 | Implementation | Lambda Calculus | Type Theory | 5 comments | other blogs | 8823 reads
History of Lambda-Calculus and Combinatory logic
F. Cardone and J. R. Hindley. History of Lambda-Calculus and Combinatory logic. To appear as a chapter in Volume 5 of the Handbook of the History of Logic.
From the introduction:
Seen in outline, the history of LC and CL splits into three main periods: first, several years of intensive and very fruitful study in the 1920s and ’30s; next, a middle period of nearly 30 years of relative quiet; then in the late 1960s an upsurge of activity stimulated by developments in higher-order function theory, by connections with programming languages, and by new technical discoveries. The fruits of the first period included the first-ever proof that predicate logic is undecidable. The results of the second attracted very little non-specialist interest, but included completeness, cut-elimination and standardization theorems (for example) that found many uses later. The achievements of the third, from the 1960s onward, included constructions and analyses of models, development of polymorphic type systems, deep analyses of the reduction process, and many others probably well known to the reader. The high level of activity of this period continues today. Beware: This is a long paper (but less than you might expect it to be by looking at the page count: about half the pages are dedicated to the bibliography). In the announcement on the TYPES Forum the authors invited comments, suggestions and additional information on the topics of the paper, namely the development of lambda-calculi and combinatory logic from the prehistory (Frege, Peano and Russell) to the end of 20th century. By Ehud Lamm at 2008-02-19 19:21 | History | Lambda Calculus | Type Theory | 1 comment | other blogs | 12770 reads
Project LambdaCan
For those that are both language geeks and hardware geeks... Relating Complexity and Precision in Control Flow AnalysisRelating Complexity and Precision in Control Flow Analysis, David Van Horn and Harry Mairson. ICFP 2007.
There's ton of really good stuff in here; I was particularly fascinated by the fact that 0-CFA is exact for multiplicatively linear programs (ie, that use variables at most once), because linearity guarantees that every lambda can flow to at most one use site. By neelk at 2008-02-01 18:47 | Implementation | Lambda Calculus | Theory | 2 comments | other blogs | 9857 reads
Call-by-value Termination in the Untyped Lambda-calculus
To renew the discussion on Total Functional Programming, this paper is an alternative to Termination Checking with Types. By Daniel Yokomizo at 2008-01-08 05:29 | Lambda Calculus | Semantics | 3 comments | other blogs | 8773 reads
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