Type Theory

Lightweight Static Capabilitites (II)

The slides for the talk discussed here are now available for download. Like all of Ken and Oleg's work, this stuff is both cool and important.

Keep in mind that the talk is quite different from the paper. The safety claims were formalized and proved in Twelf: list example, array example. To follow the proofs you should read them alongside the presentation slides. I am told that the first file might change soon, to reflect a more general proof. Perhaps Ken or Oleg would like to comment on the experience of doing mechanized proofs, a subject the comes up regularly on LtU.

LtU newcomers, who already managed to take in a little Haskell or ML, may want to spend a little time chewing on this, and ask questions if something remains unclear, since this work may eventually have practical importance, and can teach quite a few interesting techniques.

Ivor, a proof engine

I found an interesting new paper by Edwin Brady.

Abstract. Dependent type theory has several practical applications in
the fields of theorem proving, program verifcation and programming
language design. Ivor is a Haskell library designed to allow easy extend-
ing and embedding of a type theory based theorem prover in a Haskell
application. In this paper, I give an overview of the library and show
how it can be used to implement formal systems such as propositional
logic. Furthermore, I sketch an implementation of a simple functional
programming language using the library; by using type theory as a core
representation, we can construct and evaluate terms and prove correct-
ness properties of those terms within the same framework, ensuring con-
sistency of the implementation and the theorem prover.

Interface Automata

Interface Automata
by Luca de Alfaro, Thomas A. Henzinger

Conventional type systems specify interfaces in terms of values and domains.
We present a light-weight formalism that captures the temporal aspects of software
component interfaces. Specifically, we use an automata-based language to capture both
input assumptions about the order in which the methods of a component are called,
and output guarantees about the order in which the component calls external methods.
The formalism supports automatic compatibility checks between interface models, and
thus constitutes a type system for component interaction. Unlike traditional uses of
automata, our formalism is based on an optimistic approach to composition, and on
an alternating approach to design refinement. According to the optimistic approach,
two components are compatible if there is some environment that can make them work
together. According to the alternating approach, one interface refines another if it
has weaker input assumptions, and stronger output guarantees. We show that these
notions have game-theoretic foundations that lead to efficient algorithms for checking
compatibility and refinement.

The idea of expressing order of message exchange as type is certainly not new (as anyone exposed to web service choreography hype can tell - oh, just kidding, of course the theory is much older). However, the specific approach looks interesting (not the least because of appealing to game semantics).

Lightweight Static Capabilities

Lightweight Static Capabilitites

We describe a modular programming style that harnesses modern type systems to verify safety conditions in practical systems. This style has three ingredients:

  1. A compact kernel of trust that is specific to the problem domain.
  2. Unique names (capabilities) that confer rights and certify properties, so as to extend the trust from the kernel to the rest of the application.
  3. Static (type) proxies for dynamic values.

We illustrate our approach using examples from the dependent-type literature, but our programs are written in Haskell and OCaml today, so our techniques are compatible with imperative code, native mutable arrays, and general recursion. The three ingredients of this programming style call for (1) an expressive core language, (2) higher-rank polymorphism, and (3) phantom types.

Pursuant to this thread about the membrane pattern in static languages from Mark Miller's excellent Ph.D. thesis. I don't yet know whether a solution is derivable from this work, but Mark was kind enough to point me to it, and Oleg seems to want to see it distributed, so here it is—Mark and/or Oleg, please let me know if this is premature.

Concoqtion: Mixing Indexed Types and Hindley-Milner Type Inference

From the "Whoa!" files:

Concoqtion: Mixing Indexed Types and Hindley-Milner Type Inference

This paper addresses the question of how to extend OCaml’s Hindley-Milner type system with types indexed by logical propositions and proofs of the Coq theorem prover, thereby providing an expressive and extensible mechanism for ensuring fine-grained program invariants. We propose adopting the approached used by Shao et al. for certified binaries. This approach maintains a phase distinction between the computational and logical languages, thereby limiting effects and non-termination to the computational language, and maintaining the decidability of the type system. The extension subsumes language features such as impredicative first-class (higher-rank) polymorphism and type operators, that are notoriously difficult to integrate with the Hindley-Milner style of type inference that is used in OCaml. We make the observation that these features can be more easily integrated with type inference if the inference algorithm is free to adapt the order in which it solves typing constraints to each program. To this end we define a novel “order-free” type inference algorithm. The key enabling technology is a graph representation of constraints and a constraint solver that performs Hindley-Milner inference with just three graph rewrite rules.

Another tough-to-categorize one: dependent types, the Curry-Howard Correspondence, logic programming, theorem provers as subsystems of compilers, implementation issues... it's all in here.

Update: A prototype implementation is available here, but it took a bit of Google-fu to find, and it's brand new, so be gentle.

Update II: The prototype implementation isn't buildable out of the box, and includes a complete copy of both the Coq and O'Caml distributions, presumably with patches etc. already applied. So it's clearly extremely early days yet. But this feels very timely to me, perhaps because I've just started using Coq within the past couple of weeks, and got my copy of Coq'Art and am enjoying it immensely.

Update III: It occurs to me that this might also relate to Vesa Karvonen's comment about type-indexed functions, which occurs in the thread on statically-typed capabilities, so there might be a connection between this front-page story and the front-page story on lightweight static capabilities. That thought makes me happy; I love it when concepts converge.

A Core Calculus for Scala Type Checking

A Core Calculus for Scala Type Checking, is a new paper by the Scala team.

Abstract. We present a minimal core calculus that captures interesting constructs of the Scala programming language: nested classes, abstract types, mixin composition, and path dependent types. We show that the problems of type assignment and subtyping in this calculus are decidable.

The paper revolves around the question of decidability of type checking in Scala. The following quote summarizes the background of this question.

Scala’s approach to component modeling is based on three programming language constructs: modular mixin composition, abstract type members, and explicit self-types. All three have been studied in the vObj calculus. A key concept of the vObj calculus, path-dependent types, is also present in Scala. However, some other constructions of vObj do not correspond to Scala language constructs. In particular, vObj has first-class classes which can be passed around as values, but Scala has not.
First-class classes were essential in establishing an encoding of F<: in vObj, which led to a proof of undecidability of vObj by reduction to the same property in F<:. However, since Scala lacks first-class classes, the undecidability result for the calculus does not imply that type checking for the programming language is undecidable.

Ehud: Given current interest in Scala and its more or less unique (don't want to raise controversy here) position as being both a functional and an OO language, furthermore being much more than a toy language, would it be a good idea to give Scala a place in the Spotlight section?

Securing the .NET Programming Model

Securing the .NET Programming Model. Andrew J. Kennedy.

The security of the .NET programming model is studied from the standpoint of fully abstract compilation of C#. A number of failures of full abstraction are identified, and fixes described. The most serious problems have recently been fixed for version 2.0 of the .NET Common Language Runtime.

This is highly amusing stuff, of course. Some choice quotes:

if source-language compilation is not fully abstract, then there exist contexts (think ‘attackers’) in the target language that can observably distinguish two program fragments not distinguishable by source contexts. Such abstraction holes can sometimes be turned into security holes: if the author of a library has reasoned about the behaviour of his code by considering only source-level contexts (i.e. other components written in the same source language), then it may be possible to construct a component in the target language which provokes unexpected and damaging behaviour.

One could argue that full abstraction is just a nicety; programmers don’t really reason about observations, program contexts, and all that, do they? Well, actually, I would like to argue that they do. At least, expert programmers...

"A C# programmer can reason about the security properties of component A by considering the behaviour of another component B written in C# that “attacks” A through its public API." -
This can only be achieved if compilation is fully abstract.

To see the six problems identified by thinking about full abstraction you'll have to go read the paper...

Variance and Generalized Constraints for C# Generics

Variance and Generalized Constraints for C# Generics. Burak Emir, Andrew J. Kennedy, Claudio Russo, Dachuan Yu. July 2006

Generic types in C# behave invariantly with respect to sub-typing. We propose a system of type-safe variance for C# that supports the declaration of covariant and contravariant type parameters on generic types. To support more widespread application of variance we also generalize the existing constraint mechanism with arbitrary subtype assertions on classes and methods. This extension is useful even in the absence of variance, and subsumes equational constraints proposed for Generalized Algebraic Data Types (GADTs). We formalize the subtype relation in both declarative and syntax-directed style, and describe and prove the correctness of algorithms for constraint closure and subtyping. Finally, we formalize and prove a type safety theorem for a featherweight language with variant classes and generalized constraints.

Discussion of previous C# GADT paper on LtU.

I am unsure about use-site versus definition-site variance declerations. It would be interesting to hear what others think.

Also check out the LtU discussion on wildcards in Java.

Sage: A Programming Language With Hybrid Type-Checking

Since we've been discussing hybrid type checking, dependent types, etc. recently...


Sage is a prototype functional programming language designed to provide high-coverage checking of expressive program specifications (types). Sage allows a programmer to specify not only simple types such as "Integers" and "Strings" but also arbitrary refinements from simple ranges such as "Positive Integers" to data structures with complex invariants such as "Balanced binary search trees." In addition to featuring these predicates upon types, Sage merges the syntactic categories of types and terms, in the spirit of Pure Type Systems, to express dependent types such as that of the infamous printf function.

Sage performs hybrid type checking of these specifications, proving or refuting as much as possible statically, and inserting runtime checks otherwise. For the complete details of the theory and empirical results, we direct you to the technical report.

Type inference for Python

The subject of type inference for dynamically-checked languages came up in the Buried Treasure thread. A question was raised in that thread having to do with why static type inference in these languages is difficult. Since there's a nascent body of literature which addresses that question, here are a few links to articles and papers about type inference for Python.

A nice overview can be found in Localized Type Inference of Atomic Types in Python, a Master's thesis by Brett Cannon. The whole thesis is relevant, but for an overview of the issues, see Chapter 3, "Challenges of Inferring Types in Python". Chapter 4 summarizes previous attempts involving static inference in Python, including Psyco (previously on LtU) and Starkiller. The limitations of these attempts are briefly addressed.

Type inference solutions for Python invariably involve restrictions to make the problem tractable. The above paper focuses on "inferring atomic types in the local namespace". Another approach is described in Aggressive Type Inference, by John Aycock. Aycock makes an important observation:

Giving people a dynamically-typed language does not mean that they write dynamically-typed programs.

The article offers a type inference approach which exploits this observation. (If the meaning of the above quote isn't clear, I recommend reviewing our mammoth three-part thread on the subject, "Why type systems are interesting", part I, part II, and part III.)

The PyPy implementation of Python in Python (previously on LtU) uses a restricted subset of Python, called RPython, to implement parts of the language. RPython is sufficiently static to be able to support full-program type inference. It is not a "soft" inference approach, and is not designed to be used with ordinary Python programs. The paper Compiling dynamic language implementations covers the approach used for static analysis of RPython. The PyPy Coding Guide, starting at section 1.4 may also be useful.

(It may be interesting to note that the PyPy approach is very similar to that used previously for Scheme 48. The core of Scheme 48 is implemented in PreScheme, a subset of Scheme that supports full-program type inference.)

Finally, Guido van Rossum has a number of blog entries on the subject of adding optional static typing to Python:

If anyone knows of any other good treatments of type inference in Python or similar languages, please post links here.

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