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HistoryComputer History Museum releases PostScript sourceThe Computer History Museum, in conjunction with Adobe, has released the PostScript source code. Here is the release, with some helpful historical context and several photos:
By Matt Hellige at 2022-12-13 00:15 | History | login or register to post comments | other blogs | 13220 reads
Built to LastMar Hicks. Built to Last. Logic. Issue 11, "Care".
Recently, work on the history of technology has been becoming increasingly more sophisticated and moved beyond telling the story of impressive technology to trying to unravel the social, political, and economic forces that affected the development, deployment, and use of a wide range of technologies and technological systems. Luckily, this trend is beginning to manifest itself in studies of the history of programming languages. While not replacing the need for careful, deeply informed, studies of the internal intellectual forces affecting the development of programming languages, these studies add a sorely needed aspect to the stories we tell. History of LispHistory of Lisp (The history of LISP according to McCarthy's memory in 1978, presented at the ACM SIGPLAN History of Programming Languages Conference.) This is such a fun paper which I couldn't find on LtU. It's about the very early history of programming (1950s and '60s), back when things we take for granted today didn't exist yet. On taking apart complex data structures with functions like CAR and CDR:
On creating new data, i.e. CONS:
On inventing IF:
On how supreme laziness led to the invention of garbage collection:
You might have heard this before:
And the rest is history... "C Is Not a Low-level Language"David Chisnall, "C Is Not a Low-level Language. Your computer is not a fast PDP-11.", ACM Queue, Volume 16, issue 2.
Includes a discussion of various ways in which modern processors break the C abstract machine, as well as some interesting speculation on what a "non-C processor" might look like. The latter leads to thinking about what a low-level language for such a processor should look like. By Allan McInnes at 2018-07-04 03:09 | History | Implementation | Parallel/Distributed | 12 comments | other blogs | 40032 reads
People of Programming Languages InterviewsThere is a growing set of fascinating interviews with PL folks at People of Programming Languages. By bashyal at 2017-12-31 15:17 | History | login or register to post comments | other blogs | 33000 reads
The APL Idiom ListVia HN: The APL Idiom List – Alan Perlis, Spencer Rubager (1977) Co-hygiene and quantum gravityCo-hygiene and quantum gravity. Some light weekend reading by John Shutt. The post starts with a dazzling proposition:
I can't do it justice here, so if you're interested in John's fascinating take on the relationship between lambda calculus and quantum physics, hop on over! By Manuel J. Simoni at 2017-06-17 15:11 | Fun | History | Paradigms | Theory | login or register to post comments | other blogs | 16625 reads
Jean Sammet, Co-Designer of a Pioneering Computer Language, Dies at 89Obituary from NY Times.
Joe Armstrong Interviews Alan KayYoutube video (via HN) By far not the best presentation of Kay's ideas but surely a must watch for fans. Otherwise, skip until the last third of the interview which might add to what most people here already know. It is interesting that in this talk Kay rather explicitly talks about programming languages as abstraction layers. He also mentions some specifics that may not be as well known as others, yet played a role in his trajectory, such as META.
I fully sympathize with his irritation with the lack of attention to and appreciation of fundamental concepts and theoretical frameworks in CS. On the other hand, I find his allusions to biology unconvincing. C is Manly, Python is for “n00bs”: How False Stereotypes Turn Into Technical “Truths”Jean Yang & Ari Rabkin C is Manly, Python is for “n00bs”: How False Stereotypes Turn Into Technical “Truths”, Model-View-Culture, January 2015. This is a bit of a change of pace from the usual technically-focused content on LtU, but it seemed like something that might be of interest to LtUers nonetheless. Yang and Rabkin discuss the cultural baggage that comes along with a variety of languages, and the impact it has on how those languages are perceived and used.
There are probably some interesting clues to how and why some languages are adopted while others fall into obscurity (a question that has come up here before). Also, the article includes references to a study conducted by Rabkin and LtU's own Leo Meyerovich. |
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