andrew cooke

typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicWhat is a Proposition? andrew cooke2006-02-03 17:04
Forum topicWhat is a monad, why should I use it, and when is it appropriate? Jonathan Allen2006-02-03 10:54
Forum topicU, a small model cyarvin2006-02-01 20:37
Forum topicA-Posteriori Subtyping: Which Languages? cdiggins2006-01-31 03:52
Forum topicReferentially Transparent Scheme mjstahl2006-01-23 21:14
Forum topicBruce Tate: Technologies that may challenge Java shahbaz2006-01-12 06:01
Forum topicThe Language Machine - a toolkit for language and grammar Peri Hankey2005-11-30 10:32
Forum topicJakarta Commons Monad, er, Chain Andris Birkmanis2005-11-03 21:12
StoryDoes Visual Studio Rot the Mind? Ehud Lamm2005-11-02 15:37
StoryXNHTML Ehud Lamm2005-10-13 08:27
StoryNetKernel - XML processing pipeline andrew cooke2005-09-27 05:48
Forum topicGenetic algorithms vs. genetic programming - PLT perspective? Andris Birkmanis2005-09-15 00:51
StoryEvery language you never wanted to know andrew cooke2005-09-12 07:51
Forum topicCombining Theorem Proving and Programming carter2005-09-09 22:32 - CODeDOC 2002 andrew cooke2005-08-31 08:02
Forum topicLearning to Program with Alice (not Mozart/Oz ML) Isaac Gouy2005-08-31 00:31
Forum topicDeikto user interface in Erasmatron storytelling engine Neil Madden2005-08-30 14:04
Forum topicFiltering Threads Ethan Aubin2005-08-27 21:19
Forum topicNew Server Anton van Straaten2005-08-27 19:46
StoryCausal Nets Andris Birkmanis2005-08-08 21:37
Forum topicBitC, a new OS implementation language Alexandre Richer2005-07-25 19:48
StoryGenerics are a mistake? Anton van Straaten2005-07-17 18:25
Forum topicEmbedded Languages in Java andrew cooke2005-07-12 16:24
Forum topicMartin Fowler on Language Workbenches and DSLs marco2005-07-10 18:30
Forum topicDynamic Languages Journal? Ovid2005-07-07 12:48