Andrei Formiga

typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicCIL (C Intermediate Language) Andrei Formiga2004-11-18 18:27
Forum topicScheme Language Standardization Process: R6RS Progress Report mwand2004-11-01 20:14
Forum topicmultidimensional arrays Martin DeMello2004-10-26 13:47
StoryJ2SE 5.0 released Ehud Lamm2004-10-05 22:46
StoryACM Queue: Schizoid Classes Ehud Lamm2004-10-02 19:16
Forum topicGreat Works in Programming Languages Andrei Formiga2004-09-27 20:28
Forum topicICFP Contest Results Andrei Formiga2004-09-27 13:12
Forum topicMetaprogramming in Heron cdiggins2004-09-26 17:49
Forum topicDijkstra on analogies and anthropomorphism Frank Atanassow2004-09-26 13:39
Forum topic"... because common people think like so-and-so..." Albert Y.C. Lai2004-09-20 14:30
StoryUdell at OSCON: IronPython news Ehud Lamm2004-08-03 11:58
StoryOCaml Release 3.08.0 Mark Evans2004-07-15 14:03
StoryPragmatic Programmers Interview Noel2004-07-02 17:12
Forum topicVisual Studio Express Andrei Formiga2004-07-02 14:42
StoryDebugging Functional Programs Ehud Lamm2004-06-30 14:52
StoryWelcome to the New, Improved LtU! Ehud Lamm2004-06-29 14:20
Forum topic1st International Workshop on Interpreted Languages Sebastian Bergmann2004-06-23 15:09
StoryTunes create context like language andrew cooke2004-06-22 14:47