
typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicIs there an existing name for my higher-order function? shawnbrown2021-01-05 04:44
Forum topicThe AST Typing Problem (a bleg, also "why did attribute-grammars fail?") chetmurthy2020-12-15 19:40
Forum topicSystem programming using FP Todd Coram2020-11-27 13:54
Forum topicLambdas and objects as an existential type const2018-12-07 11:42
Forum topicType Bombs marco2018-05-17 10:51
StoryGraydon Hoare: What next for compiled languages? Ehud Lamm2018-04-06 02:24
Forum topicDefunctionalization+Refunctionalization+Expression Problem chrisoliver2018-02-02 04:24
Forum topicProgramming by poking: why MIT stopped teaching SICP Sean McDirmid2018-01-26 06:42
Forum topicA Functional Representation of Data Structures with a Hole (1998) Vladimir Slepnev2017-12-01 12:08
StoryHow efficient is partial sharing? Charles Stewart2017-11-21 13:37
Forum topicThe Platonic Solids of Software Construction and Their Realization in C bryanedds2017-09-29 19:00
Forum topicAffine Types - Introductory reading filipallberg2017-07-10 02:17
Forum topicDomain specific language for playing games davidb2017-05-03 22:47
Forum topicConversion of 'functional' to 'imperative' algorithms: is it possible? Achilleas Margaritis2017-03-31 19:14
Forum topicHow will look a modern imperative language? All love here is functional only.. mamcx2017-02-18 18:58
Forum topicjsMath support? neelk2016-12-29 16:05
Forum topicList of POPL 2017 papers with crowd-sourced preprint links gasche2016-12-08 18:05
Forum topicOn the (Alleged) Value of Proof for Assurance shap2016-11-24 01:04
Forum topicResources for implementing higher-kinded types? Jon Purdy2016-11-11 10:40
Forum topicTerm Rewrite System Implementations? Ivan V.2016-09-18 00:10
Forum topicWhither FRP? raould2016-09-03 12:47
StoryAutomatic type inference via partial evaluation Ehud Lamm2016-08-15 15:40
Forum topicBranch Forward Only Greg Buchholz2016-07-29 20:58
Forum topicWebAssembly Ivan V.2016-06-24 17:31
Forum topicRecursive types skaller2016-06-17 06:02