
typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicWhy do we need modules at all? Sean McDirmid2014-12-06 15:20
Story John C Reynolds Doctoral Dissertation Award nominations for 2014 Ehud Lamm2014-12-01 08:41
Forum topicdoing letrec with lambdas jimdesu2014-09-29 19:46
Forum topicRe-thinking Prolog Alex12014-09-24 11:21
Forum topicThe broad ML Family workshop Oleg2014-07-31 10:07
Forum topicAha moment Ehud Lamm2014-04-29 06:07
Forum topicDifferent approaches to letting a programmer define interface implementations. Kannan Goundan2014-01-15 04:00
StoryThe Genuine Sieve of Eratosthenes Ehud Lamm2013-10-26 21:32
StoryCopatterns: the final approach to codata? gasche2013-10-11 22:36
Forum topicTerra: A low-level counterpart to Lua Denis Washington2013-05-21 19:10
Forum topicNesting of quasi-quotation Jules Jacobs2013-05-08 03:50
Forum topicGADT vs. Type Classes Greg Buchholz2013-04-22 22:24
StorySimple Generators v. Lazy Evaluation Manuel J. Simoni2013-02-26 12:23
Forum topicAre nested SQL statements monads? sciomako2012-11-29 10:59
StoryOleg: An argument against call/cc bashyal2012-09-13 17:06
Forum topicThe Economist: Language and Computers: Why language isn't computer code kms2012-08-11 20:37
StoryOn Understanding Data Abstraction, Revisited Z-Bo2012-06-28 01:36
Forum topicThe Monad.Reader Wouter Swierstra2012-04-11 12:54
Forum topicEmbedding Prolog in Haskell Frank Atanassow2012-02-13 17:04
StoryExtensible Programming with First-Class Cases naasking2011-11-05 14:53
Forum topicHow to classify type of ML's exn ? (Naive question) scottmcl2011-09-19 08:06
StoryLightweight Monadic Programming in ML Paul Snively2011-08-10 20:39
StoryDelimited dynamic binding Chung-chieh Shan2011-08-03 11:51
Forum topicImplementor's guide/tutorial to delimited continuations? Manuel J. Simoni2011-08-02 18:56
Forum topicIn search of inspiration Tim van Deurzen2011-05-16 12:17