Ross Angle

typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicWhen are Actors appropriate? raould2015-07-21 16:25
Forum topicFixed points considered harmful Hewitt2015-07-21 06:16
Forum topicWho can make LtU2? raould2015-07-19 21:56
Forum topicRecursive Descent Parser Generators Alexander Morou2015-07-14 06:50
Forum topicStrengthening Process Calculi raould2015-07-06 12:07
Forum topicMathematics self-proves its own Consistency (contra Gödel et. al.) Hewitt2015-06-25 00:05
Forum topicFunctors are Type Refinement Systems adrieng2015-06-12 20:12
Forum topicTypes are fundamental to both logic and computation Hewitt2015-06-02 11:07
Forum topicType Theory Glossary naasking2015-05-09 12:14
Forum topichow many lines of code can civilization support? Thomas Lord2015-04-09 22:07
Forum topicSome notes on Rust, the language. John Nagle2015-02-09 07:25
Forum topicHow can middle school algebra help with domain specific languages? shahbaz2015-01-21 17:18
Forum topicFunction Readability & Understandability Keean Schupke2014-12-28 20:07
Forum topicIntegrating Dependent and Linear Types raould2014-12-22 20:26
Forum topicPaged topics raould2014-12-09 21:59
Forum topicWhy do we need modules at all? Sean McDirmid2014-12-06 15:20
Forum topicEve development diary jamii2014-10-20 20:29
Forum topicOptimisation by repeated beta- and eta-reduction L Spice2014-09-22 01:00
Forum topicNew Wiki about Structured Backus-Naur Form? Ivan V.2014-09-11 18:20
Forum topicAnnouncing Lang.NEXT 2014 - Registration is Free and Now Open Charles Torre2014-06-04 00:59
Forum topicSymbol visibility (public, private, protected, etc.) Talin2014-05-31 05:02
Forum topicThose pesky higher-rank types. Or how to type \f x y. (f x, f y) marco2014-05-26 17:22
Forum topictype theory about programming language? Rys McCusker2014-05-21 23:10
Forum topicIntroduction to processes (Tony Hoare's CSP processes) hbrandl2014-04-29 21:48
Forum topicAha moment Ehud Lamm2014-04-29 06:07