
typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicModeling and Typing Combinatory Calculus cdiggins2006-12-22 21:01
Story[Redux] The Polyadic pi-Calculus: a Tutorial (1991) Robin Milner cdiggins2006-12-14 05:12
StoryYubNub for Programming Language Research cdiggins2006-12-12 04:47
Forum topicThe Cat Language Kind System cdiggins2006-12-11 07:11
Story[Redux] A Syntactic Approach to Type Soundness (1992) cdiggins2006-12-08 14:52
Forum topicC++ has indeed become too "expert friendly" Isaac Gouy2006-12-07 14:01
Forum topicHow to write a Programming Language Paper? cdiggins2006-12-05 09:21
Forum topicif Records - Labels = Tuples then Rows - Labels = what? cdiggins2006-12-04 01:57
Forum topicType Difference cdiggins2006-11-19 10:07
Forum topicWant to learn something new pureza2006-11-12 19:49
Forum topicThe Type of a Recursive Combinator cdiggins2006-11-10 03:10
Forum topicThe Type of 42 cdiggins2006-10-27 19:09
Forum topicCat Version 0.9 cdiggins2006-10-27 06:04
Forum topicOn Publishing cdiggins2006-10-17 16:41
Forum topicDesigning a Programming Textbook cdiggins2006-10-02 19:26
Forum topicSSA + Type Inference = "Compile time" dynamic typing, "runtime" static typing? Logan Capaldo2006-09-25 16:45
Forum topicSmall Value Set Types cdiggins2006-09-06 02:05
Forum topicConstant Values as Types cdiggins2006-09-04 10:29
Forum topicMulti-Stage Languages cdiggins2006-09-01 19:59
Forum topicThe whole Enchilada Robbert van Dalen2006-08-28 09:11
Forum topicOn Mixing Static Typing, Dynamic Typing and Values cdiggins2006-08-10 02:34
Forum topicOverloading : Why do some languages leave it out? cdiggins2006-08-08 21:28
Forum topicCat Programming Language: Slides from Lang. NET 2006 cdiggins2006-08-08 07:47
Forum topicThe Killer Application for Concatenative Languages John Carter2006-08-07 19:33
Forum topicExpressing the Type of a While Loop cdiggins2006-08-06 20:39