
typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicFunctions shouldn't be lists, functions should be cast to lists cdiggins2007-04-08 19:49
Forum topicDynamic Semantics Hank Thediek2007-04-07 22:57
Forum topicAbstract Data Type Usage Analysis cdiggins2007-03-27 19:21
StoryA Real-World Use of Lift, a Scala Web Application Framework Paul Snively2007-03-26 21:19
Forum topicImplementation Inheritance SamK2007-03-20 20:31
Forum topicTyping a Functional Stack-Based Language cdiggins2007-03-14 14:49
Forum topicNon-Applicative Functional Languages cdiggins2007-03-09 17:18
Forum topic[Req. for Comments] Cat: A Typed Functional Stack-Based Language cdiggins2007-02-26 18:57
Forum topicEffects in Types cdiggins2007-02-22 11:17
Forum topic[RFC] Cat: A Typed Functional Stack Based Language cdiggins2007-02-03 20:46
Forum topicWant to do undergraduate research, but CS dept is weak... MTaylor2007-02-02 14:39
Forum topicSoftware Composability and the Future of Languages grant2007-01-30 02:46
StoryRalf Lammel: Stop dysfunctional programming Ehud Lamm2007-01-29 11:16
Forum topicIntellisense for dynamic languages tlareywi2007-01-20 18:00
Forum topicThe Problem with "dup" and "swap" in Stack-Based Languages cdiggins2007-01-16 13:55
Forum topicOn Presenting the Semantics of Cat Formally cdiggins2007-01-12 04:36
Forum topicQuotation and evaluation -- or, how pure is the pure lambda calculus? Lucius Gregory Meredith2007-01-04 11:24
Forum topicProgramming Language Research Search Engine cdiggins2006-12-28 17:17
StoryThe Future of LtU Ehud Lamm2006-12-26 02:37
StoryA modern eye on ML type inference - Pottier 2005 cdiggins2006-12-23 00:00
Forum topicModeling and Typing Combinatory Calculus cdiggins2006-12-22 21:01
Story[Redux] The Polyadic pi-Calculus: a Tutorial (1991) Robin Milner cdiggins2006-12-14 05:12
StoryYubNub for Programming Language Research cdiggins2006-12-12 04:47
Forum topicThe Cat Language Kind System cdiggins2006-12-11 07:11
Story[Redux] A Syntactic Approach to Type Soundness (1992) cdiggins2006-12-08 14:52