
typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
StoryLINQ BOF at OOPSLA Erik Meijer2005-10-22 03:09
Forum topicObjective scientific proof of OOP's validity? Don't need no stinkun' proof. Riaan Moll2005-08-21 18:49
StoryOverloading - Syntactic Heroin? Anton van Straaten2005-08-16 13:27
StoryAn interview with Chris Date Chris Rathman2005-08-12 21:17
Forum topicExpressivity David B. Held2005-08-11 17:17
StoryGenerics are a mistake? Anton van Straaten2005-07-17 18:25
Forum topicMethod inlining as a macro system skybrian2005-07-17 01:03
Story Behaviour: Using CSS selectors to apply Javascript functionality Ehud Lamm2005-07-05 05:58
StoryParameterized Unit Tests Ehud Lamm2005-05-27 01:31
StoryIntroducing Comega Dominic Fox2005-01-18 11:38
StoryThe IDE Divide Ehud Lamm2004-12-01 22:35
Forum topicLittle language for use within Java, suited for users to define "rules" meltsner2004-12-01 03:59
StoryGrid Computing & the Linda Programming Model Ehud Lamm2004-11-18 17:00
StoryRel: an open source implementation of Date & Darwen's Tutorial D Dominic Fox2004-10-14 06:22
StoryPartial Continuations Ehud Lamm2004-08-06 16:21
StoryCategory Theory for Dummies - slides available Ehud Lamm2004-08-02 01:42