
typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicexpressivity of "idiomatic C++" el-vadimo2010-11-10 22:56
Forum topicStatic Typing Where Possible, Dynamic Typing When Needed Isaac Gouy2010-04-20 22:32
Forum topicYearning for a practical scheme Nathan Sobo2007-08-27 03:37
Forum topicOO Language Engineering for the Post-Java Era Isaac Gouy2007-01-18 17:55
StoryVisual Basic and LINQ Erik Meijer2006-09-26 11:35
Story'Information and Computation' Open Access Frank Atanassow2006-07-05 23:13
Forum topicPersistent functional databases Robbert van Dalen2006-04-26 07:13
Forum topicChapel: "Solving the parallel programming problem" Sean Leather2005-10-09 18:53
StoryDon Box: Scheme Is Love Ehud Lamm2005-10-06 05:38
Forum topicThe English-Likeness Monster ade_oshineye2005-10-04 23:04
Forum topicFrom Perl Monks: "pissed off about functional programming" tmoertel2005-10-03 13:04
Forum topicA Java/Python hybrid? dan_2005-09-30 13:36
Forum topicNon-Lisp, natively extensible? Nathan Sobo2005-09-30 08:29
Forum topicRuby: Language of the Programming Ãœbermensch? Nathan Sobo2005-09-27 19:41
Forum topicMost Productive FP Lang? David B. Held2005-09-26 03:14
StoryDynamic typing in OCaml Matt Hellige2005-09-22 23:22
Forum topicFunctional multi-method programming language Matt OConnor2005-09-21 08:59
StoryGuest Blogger Erik Meijer Ehud Lamm2005-09-17 20:02
Forum topicHaskell and creative freedom Nathan Sobo2005-09-16 00:08
Forum topicGenetic algorithms vs. genetic programming - PLT perspective? Andris Birkmanis2005-09-15 00:51
StoryGuido van Rossum: Building an Open Source Project and Community Ehud Lamm2005-09-14 09:11
StoryThreads Cannot be Implemented as a Library Ehud Lamm2005-09-11 23:57
Forum topicIvory Towers and Gelfand's Principle Leon P Smith2005-09-03 14:13
StoryTim Bray on Ruby Ehud Lamm2005-09-01 16:37
Forum topicDoes Abstraction add Fuzziness? mansu2005-08-29 20:17