Dave Griffith

typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicGrowing interest in Smalltalk? dbfaken2006-11-02 21:15
Forum topicMonitoring whether a function happens ricky_clarkson2006-10-30 00:07
StoryTim Bray: Dynamic-Language IDEs Ehud Lamm2006-10-04 11:37
Forum topicClosures for Java or money back el-vadimo2006-09-23 19:16
StoryDynamic Languages Symposium Program Online Erik Meijer2006-09-20 17:21
Forum topicAdvantages of Soft Typing Curtis W2006-08-29 22:21
Forum topicYour favourite editor/IDE Josef Svenningsson2006-08-27 07:38
Forum topicCan a dynamically typed language support type inference? raganwald2006-08-19 09:51
Forum topicNetwork Transparent languages mansu2006-08-08 19:10
Forum topicPolymorphic replacement dataangel2006-07-31 19:56
Forum topicOOP Parallel class hierarchies dataangel2006-07-18 19:50
Forum topicAmusing question Ehud Lamm2006-07-08 19:19
Forum topicRules for Developing Safety-Critical Code Peter J. Wasilko2006-06-25 21:26
Forum topicThe OO barrier snk_kid2006-06-22 14:07
Forum topicWhy only 'minimal' languages Karsten Wagner2006-06-19 15:33
StoryThe Semicolon Wars Matt Hellige2006-06-18 09:18
Forum topicRelevance of Curry-Howard Klaus Ostermann2006-06-12 13:36
StoryPublic resources for ECMAScript Edition 4 Dave Herman2006-06-09 08:35
Forum topicBuried Treasure - No Fluff Just Stuff Isaac Gouy2006-06-08 03:44
Forum topicType checking and logical errors Mike Smith2006-06-05 21:16
StoryProofs are Programs: 19th Century Logic and 21st Century Computing shapr2006-05-30 17:35
Forum topicBackwards debugging Jim Apple2006-05-26 20:17
Forum topicEthnographic Study of Copy and Paste Programming Practices in OOPL Vesa Karvonen2006-05-26 19:13
StoryPaul Vick: BASIC principles Ehud Lamm2006-05-20 18:34
StoryThe case for Semantic Analysis Chris Rathman2006-05-15 19:59