Marcin Tustin

typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicOn the Revival of Dynamic Languages Isaac Gouy2005-08-03 18:41
Forum topicNew Fortress Specification Alan Eliasen2005-08-01 23:29
Forum topicThe Complexity Zoo Andris Birkmanis2005-07-28 04:17
Forum topicGADTs + Extensible Kinds = Dependent Programming Jim Apple2005-07-26 19:07
StoryClassic LISP books online Ehud Lamm2005-07-17 09:57
Forum topicWhy type systems are interesting - part III: latent types Anton van Straaten2005-07-14 01:39
StorySqueak tutorial Ehud Lamm2005-07-12 23:11
Forum topicEmbedded Languages in Java andrew cooke2005-07-12 16:24
Forum topicData is code jakobihans2005-07-11 20:39
Forum topicCTM rumplestiltkin2005-07-11 15:37
Forum topicMartin Fowler on Language Workbenches and DSLs marco2005-07-10 18:30
Forum topicThe New C Standard Jim Apple2005-07-08 18:16
Forum topicorganizing papers... Matt Hellige2005-07-07 15:32
StoryHungarian Notation vs The Right Thing Noel2005-07-04 12:21
Forum topicFunctions as Classes: Which languages? cdiggins2005-07-02 12:45
Forum topicWhy recursing is better than looping johnnyb2005-06-29 20:27
StoryA Monadic Framework for Subcontinuations Andris Birkmanis2005-06-24 14:19
StoryTim Bray: On Threads Ehud Lamm2005-06-21 14:31
StoryJava Generics, Arrays, and Comparables Ehud Lamm2005-06-19 20:13
StoryComputerworld Development Survey Ehud Lamm2005-06-17 06:49
StoryConnecting The Dots Ehud Lamm2005-06-13 21:10
StoryHappy Birthday, PHP... Dominic Fox2005-06-11 23:20
Forum topicFunny characters inference Andris Birkmanis2005-06-04 12:25
Forum topicWhat is so bad about compiling? Hank Thediek2005-06-03 15:44
StoryParameterized Unit Tests Ehud Lamm2005-05-27 01:31