Scott Johnson

typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicForex trading with functional programming Janzo2008-06-18 06:04
Forum topicOn the importance of Turing completeness jdgallag2008-06-16 22:31
Forum topicFirst class class objects, class vs. value namespaces, etc. scottmcl2008-06-12 20:11
StoryMap-reduce-merge: simplified relational data processing on large clusters Manuel J. Simoni2008-06-08 05:13
StoryTypes Considered Harmful Chris Rathman2008-06-06 17:06
Forum topicComments can effect comments below them Leon P Smith2008-06-04 05:24
Forum topicDead-end theorems Ehud Lamm2008-06-03 16:13
Forum topicSoftware complexity as means of professional advancement Denis Bredelet -jido2008-05-30 21:24
Forum topicDSLs: Embedded, standalone, or both? Scott Johnson2008-05-29 20:10
Forum topicsuccinctness Curtis W2008-05-28 19:57
Forum topicPolymorphic C cjh2008-05-21 19:17
Forum topicRegions for Code GC? naasking2008-05-21 19:13
StoryThe irreducible physicality of security properties Charles Stewart2008-05-18 14:42
Forum topicOO via first class enviroments: Bla raould2008-05-13 16:46
Forum topicprogramming languages and facial hair J Storrs Hall2008-05-07 17:50
Forum topicStatic Typing and Expressivity nobodysbusiness2008-05-02 15:58
Forum topicLisp Lovers, how would you fix Lisp or bring it up to date? Ben Atkin2008-04-29 03:20
Forum topicHigher-Order Programming without Closures? naasking2008-04-27 01:18
Forum topicLanguages best suited for scientific computing? JustinTrellis2008-04-24 18:59
StoryComputer Science Education: Where Are the Software Engineers of Tomorrow? Ehud Lamm2008-04-21 22:03
Forum topicCan local variables assignments be considered pure functional without monads? cdiggins2008-04-14 12:55
Forum topicGilad Bracha: Cutting out Static Matt Hellige2008-04-09 15:48
Forum topicExcel as a different programming paradigm raould2008-03-29 20:14
StoryWhen Are Two Algorithms the Same? Ehud Lamm2008-03-29 14:16
Forum topicRelational rather than hierarchical OO packaging? raould2008-03-26 22:03