Scott Johnson

typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
StoryIterators Must Go Manuel J. Simoni2010-05-13 02:59
Forum topicStatic Typing Where Possible, Dynamic Typing When Needed Isaac Gouy2010-04-20 22:32
Forum topicWhy type systems are interesting Anton van Straaten2010-03-08 19:47
Forum topicTony Hoare / Historically Bad Ideas: "Null References: The Billion Dollar Mistake" raould2010-03-05 22:19
Forum topicExplanation of Computer Theory for Lawyers Scott Johnson2010-01-05 19:12
Forum topicProgramming Language transformation? raould2009-12-23 17:28
StoryNo more tail calls in Javascript? Noel2009-12-23 08:32
StoryPerl Cannot Be Parsed: A Formal Proof Andris Birkmanis2009-09-10 17:08
Forum topicReceiver knowing the sender? BigZaphod2009-08-25 21:27
Forum topicWhy determinism matters in language design. John Carter2009-08-25 18:56
Forum topicfunctions vs procedures.. ceti3312009-08-20 18:05
Forum topicAvoid a Void: eradicating null-pointer dereferencing Bertrand_Meyer2009-08-19 23:33
Forum topicsomething strange happened after implementing a first interpreter Peter Michaux2009-08-19 18:18
Forum topicKinds of Null Grant Watson2009-08-17 19:27
StoryPhosphorous, The Popular Lisp Manuel J. Simoni2009-08-13 03:37
Forum topicResolved Debates in Syntax Design ? gasche2009-08-13 00:06
Forum topicDefinition of Functional Programming Language vag2009-08-07 22:39
Forum topicMicrosoft's new Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) Sean McDirmid2009-07-28 18:21
StoryConcepts Get Voted Off The C++0x Island James Iry2009-07-27 05:24
StoryCforall Jim Apple2009-07-21 01:47
Forum topicThe Church-Turing Thesis: Breaking the Myth naasking2009-07-18 00:45
StoryModern dynamic linking infrastructure for PLT Manuel J. Simoni2009-07-01 18:06
Forum topicsubjective but hopefully less flamebaid-lame raould2009-06-30 17:39
Forum topicGRS vs LTRS vag2009-06-29 14:21
Forum topicRight on! Ehud Lamm2009-06-27 03:44