Anton van Straaten

typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicNeologism John Stracke2005-02-04 13:37
StoryThe DSL, MDA, UML thing again... Ehud Lamm2005-02-04 10:08
Forum topicUnimperative Programming Language - Teaser cdiggins2005-02-04 04:31
Forum topicRSS feed for forum or responses? shapr2005-01-31 05:08
Forum topic"Popular vs. Good" in Programming Languages Kevin Greer2005-01-30 01:03
Forum topicLinking comments Derek Elkins2005-01-06 11:03
StorySPARKAda andrew cooke2005-01-06 11:01
Forum topicPL for interactive simulation Andris Birkmanis2005-01-06 08:15
StoryNew Year's Resolutions Chris Rathman2005-01-05 01:20
Forum topicModelica: Modeling of Complex Physical Systems Daniel Yokomizo2005-01-03 22:10
StoryUse Continuations to Develop Complex Web Applications Dave Herman2005-01-01 01:50
StoryCasting SPELs in Lisp Ehud Lamm2004-12-22 08:59
StoryKiller Props for Computer Scientist! Noel2004-12-18 02:16
Forum topicLL4 Program and Abstracts Matthew Morgan2004-12-12 23:49
Forum topicDefinition of Type cdiggins2004-12-09 11:42
StoryThe IDE Divide Ehud Lamm2004-12-01 22:35
Forum topicScheme Language Standardization Process: R6RS Progress Report mwand2004-11-01 20:14
StoryProgramming for non-programmers Ehud Lamm2004-10-28 14:03
Forum topicJob / Resume postings rreyelts2004-10-20 16:23
StoryUse real names Ehud Lamm2004-09-24 02:05
Forum topicpersistence (lack of) again Albert Y.C. Lai2004-09-24 02:00
StoryMore from Udell on typing Ehud Lamm2004-09-20 22:50
Forum topicApple Flunks First Grade Math Frank Atanassow2004-09-13 14:59
StoryDescription Logics in Literate Haskell Danny Ayers2004-09-10 19:15
Forum topicThe Human-Language Interface Dave Herman2004-09-10 04:16