Peter A Jonsson

typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicCommutative Effects Sean McDirmid2013-08-29 02:13
Forum topicAn attempted approach to type inference with subtyping Eli Sennesh2013-07-23 21:22
Forum topicmobile web apps are slow -- and GC is to blame Christian Lindig2013-07-18 22:05
StoryEquality Saturation: A New Approach to Optimization neelk2012-11-28 20:26
StoryWhat needs to be done? Ehud Lamm2011-11-07 05:29
StoryOne Pass Real-Time Generational Mark-Sweep Garbage Collection James Iry2011-05-18 23:10
Forum topicIn search of inspiration Tim van Deurzen2011-05-16 12:17
Forum topicStrict data constructors + non-strict application? Neil Toronto2011-03-16 15:55
Forum topicThe AST Typing Problem shap2011-01-19 03:15
Forum topicPrototyping a new language with Haskell bryanedds2011-01-18 03:43
StoryParametric Prediction of Heap Memory Requirements naasking2011-01-16 14:45
StoryGood Ideas, Through the Looking Glass Ehud Lamm2011-01-15 17:04
Forum topicDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk el-vadimo2010-11-09 17:15
StoryAbstract interpreters for free Allan McInnes2010-09-01 18:54
Forum topicMutable objects with monadic methods giuseppemag2010-02-15 01:12
Forum topicThe Next Mainstream Programming Languages Per Vognsen2010-01-24 13:32
Forum topicChunked sequences: Lookahead laziness L Spice2009-12-21 23:21
StoryJohn Hughes on Erlang and Haskell James Iry2009-12-02 10:16
StoryPatrick Logan on Software Transaction Memory Ehud Lamm2009-10-26 21:48
StoryThe End of the GPU Roadmap Noel2009-10-23 10:03
Forum topicWhat do you believe about Programming Languages (that you can't prove (yet))? John Carter2009-05-23 23:23
StoryTwilight of the GPU Noel2009-02-06 16:44
Forum topicMonads = lazy, effect types = strict? dpmulligan2009-01-13 02:20
Forum topicPracticality of Exclusively Compiler-Driven Unboxing shap2008-12-16 13:48
Forum topicObject Oriented Programming + Referential Transparency mjstahl2008-10-30 17:40