David B. Held

typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicThe English-Likeness Monster ade_oshineye2005-10-04 23:04
Forum topicLooking for FP Debuggers raould2005-10-03 19:14
Forum topicAbstractions considered harmful? raould2005-10-03 19:09
Forum topicNon-Lisp, natively extensible? Nathan Sobo2005-09-30 08:29
StoryLtU: Style and Focus Ehud Lamm2005-09-29 22:03
Forum topicGood languages with simple grammar Tim Sweeney2005-09-28 08:09
Forum topicSeaFunc meets Tues. Sept. 27th Brandon J Van Every2005-09-27 21:16
Forum topicRuby: Language of the Programming Ãœbermensch? Nathan Sobo2005-09-27 19:41
Forum topicMost Productive FP Lang? David B. Held2005-09-26 03:14
Forum topicmondo bizarro el-vadimo2005-09-23 15:20
StoryDynamic typing in OCaml Matt Hellige2005-09-22 23:22
Forum topicDynamic vs. Static Typing - A Pattern-Based Analysis Jim Apple2005-09-22 14:38
StoryShould Computer Science Get Rid of Protocols? Klaus Ostermann2005-08-25 10:11
Forum topicObjective scientific proof of OOP's validity? Don't need no stinkun' proof. Riaan Moll2005-08-21 18:49
Forum topicObjectiveCLIPS Released pmougin2005-08-19 04:36
Forum topicLarger Subroutines == Fewer Defects Greg Buchholz2005-08-18 07:34
StoryOverloading - Syntactic Heroin? Anton van Straaten2005-08-16 13:27
Forum topicExpressivity David B. Held2005-08-11 17:17
Forum topicCoupling of concepts - good or bad Andris Birkmanis2005-08-09 19:24
StoryACM Queue: Security Problem Solved? Ehud Lamm2005-08-05 19:31
Forum topicMemory fault and segmentation faults pakumar212005-08-04 21:46