Jeff Nowakowski

typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
StoryMisc items Ehud Lamm2006-12-23 10:11
StoryTeaching Discrete Mathematics via Primary Historical Sources Ehud Lamm2006-12-21 20:23
Forum topicStephen Wolfram forecasts the future Curt Sampson2006-12-03 04:23
StoryPractical OCaml Matt Hellige2006-11-14 13:41
Forum topicFP vs. JSP raould2006-10-19 12:06
Forum topicThe US Torture Bill as C code Ehud Lamm2006-10-15 11:09
StoryFailure-oblivious computing Anton van Straaten2006-10-04 20:21
Forum topicBack button & scroll position raould2006-09-11 14:46
Forum topicYour favourite editor/IDE Josef Svenningsson2006-08-27 07:38
StoryAbstracting Allocation: The New new Thing Ehud Lamm2006-07-12 20:28
Forum topicWhat are the real benefits of FP? dataangel2006-07-09 20:03
Forum topicOxymoronic? "Safety-critical development guidelines for real-time Java" raould2006-07-01 15:52
Forum topicEmail/news interface Jeff Nowakowski2006-06-29 20:09
Forum topicWhy only 'minimal' languages Karsten Wagner2006-06-19 15:33
Forum topicEditing posts Jeff Nowakowski2006-06-09 01:05
Forum topicBuried Treasure - No Fluff Just Stuff Isaac Gouy2006-06-08 03:44
Forum topicJavascript department Ehud Lamm2006-06-04 18:54
StoryACM Queue: A Conversation with Steve Ross-Talbot Ehud Lamm2006-06-02 15:13
Forum topicTimor: adding "qualifying" and "attribute" types to the OO realm. raould2006-06-02 11:16
StoryProofs are Programs: 19th Century Logic and 21st Century Computing shapr2006-05-30 17:35
StoryPaul Vick: BASIC principles Ehud Lamm2006-05-20 18:34
Forum topicThe Nature of Lisp (a tutorial) coffeemug2006-05-18 23:38
Forum topicForum usability andnaess2006-05-05 21:16
Forum topicWard Cunningham podcast: Smalltalk, little languages, XP, typing and future of software MacTex2006-04-26 09:18
Forum topicFlexible Addition of Static Typing to Dynamically Typed Programs mfeathers2006-04-24 14:38