Keean Schupke

typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicBest value for overloading? naasking2018-09-06 21:19
StoryIs Haskell the right language for teaching functional programming principles? Ehud Lamm2018-08-14 06:26
StoryHow to Write Seemingly Unhygienic and Referentially Opaque Macros with Syntax-rules Andris Birkmanis2018-05-21 07:37
Forum topicterminology for scope of discourse, i.e. CS-domain Rys McCusker2018-05-01 23:49
Forum topicAre "jets" a good idea? xkapastel2018-03-16 14:28
Forum topicAre Monads a Waste of Time? Keean Schupke2018-03-16 00:59
Forum topicGADTs as gaurds Matt M2018-03-14 20:29
Forum topicRefining Structured Type System Ivan V.2017-12-31 16:52
Forum topicAlgebra Of Pointers Keean Schupke2017-12-30 13:48
Forum topicA Functional Representation of Data Structures with a Hole (1998) Vladimir Slepnev2017-12-01 12:08
Forum topicNon-determinism: a sublanguage rather than a monad Greg Buchholz2017-10-28 07:57
Forum topicThe Platonic Solids of Software Construction and Their Realization in C bryanedds2017-09-29 19:00
Forum topicSK in Prolog marco2017-09-10 07:05
Forum topicReversing operations Pablo Barenbaum2017-09-08 16:08
Forum topicSomething I forgot marco2017-08-26 06:44
Forum topichobbes, Morgan Stanley OSS Kalani2017-07-27 14:55
Forum topicWhat would be involved in moving logic beyond FOL? Charles Stewart2017-07-14 15:18
Forum topicHow to name the inverse functions of constructors hbrandl2017-07-03 00:16
StoryType Systems as Macros naasking2017-06-25 11:19
Forum topicRestructor: Full Program Automatic Refactoring Wouter2017-06-16 21:17
Forum topicFinding Solutions vs. Verifying Solutions Ivan V.2017-05-29 18:23
Forum topicA refutation of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem Enrique Perez Arnaud2017-05-25 18:11
Forum topicProve: 'Cont r a = (a -> r) -> r' forms a monad marco2017-05-16 02:03
Forum topicPractical Principled FRP: Forget the past, change the future, FRPNow! Sean McDirmid2017-05-12 16:41
Forum topicDomain specific language for playing games davidb2017-05-03 22:47