Keean Schupke

typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicCall by Meaning Sean McDirmid2014-08-13 21:44
Forum topicExpressing Natural Deduction in Logic Languages Keean Schupke2014-08-06 07:42
Forum topicGPU for GC raould2014-08-06 03:12
StoryInteractive scientific computing; of pythonic parts and goldilocks languages gasche2014-07-24 16:28
Forum topicDo Logic Languages Need Negation? Keean Schupke2014-07-22 17:47
Forum topicWhat's in a name? Sean McDirmid2014-07-22 03:28
Forum topicSlots as reifications of OOP method names Joaquín M López Muñoz2014-07-21 21:44
Forum topicrequest for namespace binding service terminology Rys McCusker2014-07-21 19:12
Forum topicParser error handling without exceptions andrewzboard2014-07-21 02:49
Forum topic'Mindless coding': following proof steps makes algorithms easy raould2014-07-15 23:30
Forum topicDynamic Hindley-Milner? Sean McDirmid2014-07-08 08:42
Forum topicGradual Instantiation David Minor2014-07-06 17:37
Forum topicCompositional let bindings Keean Schupke2014-07-05 15:36
Forum topicAmbiguous language namespaces Sean McDirmid2014-07-04 03:31
Forum topicArtificial Intelligence Ivan V.2014-06-25 12:51
Forum topicRank-0 Intersection Type System Keean Schupke2014-06-15 11:52
Forum topicNotation for debugging type derivations. Keean Schupke2014-06-06 19:04
Forum topicSelf-assembling Type-directed Dataflows raould2014-06-04 18:13
Forum topicAnnouncing Lang.NEXT 2014 - Registration is Free and Now Open Charles Torre2014-06-04 00:59
Forum topicSymbol visibility (public, private, protected, etc.) Talin2014-05-31 05:02
StoryFifty Years of BASIC, the Programming Language That Made Computers Personal bashyal2014-05-30 20:21
Forum topicThose pesky higher-rank types. Or how to type \f x y. (f x, f y) marco2014-05-26 17:22
Forum topictype theory about programming language? Rys McCusker2014-05-21 23:10
Forum topicSafe interior references in the presence of mutation Jules Jacobs2014-05-20 20:26
Forum topicUsing real arithmetic to eliminate bounds checking? Vladimir Slepnev2014-05-14 22:01