Keean Schupke

typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicEarl Grey; the story of a new programming language Greg Buchholz2016-03-31 23:37
Forum topic¿How can a dynamically typed language not actively prevent static checking? raould2016-03-31 23:06
StoryC is Manly, Python is for “n00bs”: How False Stereotypes Turn Into Technical “Truths” Allan McInnes2016-03-25 19:25
Forum topicLogic Programming with Failure as an Exception Keean Schupke2016-03-07 06:17
Forum topicWhither actual generality/customizability/flexibility? raould2016-03-06 14:59
StorySecond-order logic explained in plain English Charles Stewart2016-02-19 12:40
Forum topicProgrammatic and Direct Manipulation, Together at Last Sean McDirmid2016-02-13 20:21
Forum topicChallenges Facing a High-Level Language for Machine Knitting marco2016-02-03 22:07
Forum topicNeed to Talk marco2016-02-02 05:56
Forum topicTyped X (Racket, Clojure, Lua) just doesn't pan out? raould2016-01-31 00:31
StoryProgress on Gradual Typing gasche2016-01-28 15:13
StoryStatic vs. Dynamic Languages: A Literature Review naasking2016-01-11 06:22
Forum topicTyped Data Andrew Moss2015-12-31 08:59
Forum topicLanguages for SIMT Architectures Keean Schupke2015-12-23 04:49
StoryCompilers as Assistants bashyal2015-12-04 15:35
Forum topicLogical and Functional Programming in Each Other Jack Waugh2015-12-02 19:01
Forum topicAndrei's answer to "Which language has the brightest future in replacement of C between D, Go and Rust? And Why?" Sean McDirmid2015-11-24 16:45
StoryBreaking Through the Normalization Barrier: A Self-Interpreter for F-omega naasking2015-11-18 18:04
Forum topicHow Useful is Erlang Hot-Swapping of Code? marco2015-11-10 18:57
Forum topic1ML — Core and modules united Tom Primožič2015-11-09 21:29
Forum topicGarbage Collection Based on a Linear Type System raould2015-11-03 06:48
Forum topicinter-language PL theory patterns relevant to IPC? Rys McCusker2015-10-31 17:52
Forum topicPL vs. PX Sean McDirmid2015-10-26 18:24
StoryDependent Types for Low-Level Programming naasking2015-10-16 07:59
Forum topicOptimal efficiency Keean Schupke2015-10-12 06:19