
typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicSeeking artricle on syntax sugar and comparing programming languages const2014-09-16 17:39
Forum topicCognitive Architectures: A Way Forward for the Psychology of Programming const2013-02-13 14:04
StoryParsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't James Iry2012-08-26 09:11
Forum topicLong rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension const2012-03-20 08:57
Forum topicParametric Grammars skaller2012-03-18 07:59
Forum topicMassive Numbers of Actors vs. Massive Numbers of Objects vs. ???? mfidelman2012-03-04 06:20
Forum topicwhy first-class functions ad1mt2012-03-02 13:33
Forum topicEvolution of mainstream programming language paradigms const2012-02-08 02:01
Forum topiciPhone PL lockdown Sean McDirmid2011-12-24 05:49
Forum topicRedesigning the Mozart virtual machine Peter Van Roy2011-10-04 22:20
Forum topicAsyncScala: DSL for coordinating asynchronous processes in Scala const2011-06-13 21:02
Forum topicWhy are objects so unintuitive? Lee Chou2010-11-19 19:07
Forum topicUnifying Actors and Objects? Shrutarshi Basu2010-09-15 01:04
Forum topicTony Hoare / Historically Bad Ideas: "Null References: The Billion Dollar Mistake" raould2010-03-05 22:19
Forum topicThe Next Mainstream Programming Languages Per Vognsen2010-01-24 13:32
StoryC++ Futures Chris Rathman2009-03-19 15:25
Forum topicseeking article on representing cyclic graphs using purely functional data structures const2009-01-30 11:35
Forum topicExtensible Term Language 0.2.1 const2009-01-26 16:43
Forum topicParsing with error recovery? lmeyerov2009-01-23 19:09
Forum topicMacro systems cdiggins2009-01-22 17:50
StoryWhy Multi-Core is Easy and Internet is Hard Peter Van Roy2008-07-03 06:55
Forum topicCarnap Programming Language dorait2007-06-26 17:15
Forum topic[ANN] AsyncObjects Framework (Java) const2007-05-16 13:35
StorySyntax, Semantics and all that Stuff Andris Birkmanis2006-05-26 09:21
Forum topicExtensible Term Language const2006-02-09 06:43