Paul Snively

typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicThe building of robust software mjstahl2005-12-02 19:17
StoryBattling Bugs: A Digital Quagmire Paul Snively2005-11-16 21:30
Forum topicCan one avoid monads? raould2005-11-10 20:18
Forum topicInvariants/Contracts vs. types dbfaken2005-11-08 22:31
StoryOOPSLA 2005 Reports Ehud Lamm2005-11-08 17:50
StoryAlloy: A Simple Structural Modeling Language Based on First-Order Logic Paul Snively2005-11-03 22:50
Forum topicJakarta Commons Monad, er, Chain Andris Birkmanis2005-11-03 21:12
Forum topicThe Type-System-Feature-Creep Death Spiral jesuswaffle2005-11-02 17:15
Forum topicWould LISP/FP help here? Laurent Bruter2005-11-02 14:44
Forum topicWhy Lists? David B. Held2005-11-01 21:15
Forum topicExpressions vs Statements Sebastien Pierre2005-10-21 14:28
StoryFunctional programming in Java Anton van Straaten2005-10-18 14:40
StoryDon Box: Scheme Is Love Ehud Lamm2005-10-06 05:38
StoryICFP Programming Contest 2005 Results Luke Gorrie2005-10-05 02:03
Forum topicLooking for FP Debuggers raould2005-10-03 19:14
Forum topicNon-Lisp, natively extensible? Nathan Sobo2005-09-30 08:29
Forum topicMost Productive FP Lang? David B. Held2005-09-26 03:14
StoryA Type Discipline for Authorization Policies Ehud Lamm2005-09-23 21:52
Forum topicHaskell and creative freedom Nathan Sobo2005-09-16 00:08
StoryJon Udell: The riddle of asynchrony Ehud Lamm2005-09-05 21:39
Forum topicIvory Towers and Gelfand's Principle Leon P Smith2005-09-03 14:13
StoryTim Bray on Ruby Ehud Lamm2005-09-01 16:37
Forum topicReal-life use case - which PLs support it nicely? Andris Birkmanis2005-08-31 08:50
Forum topicSawzall - a popular language at Google Isaac Gouy2005-08-25 15:42
Forum topicFormal semantics for working programmers C G2005-08-21 21:22