Paul Snively

typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicWhy Dependent Types Matter Daniel Yokomizo2005-04-24 09:20
Forum topicHow much better is the second edition of "Essentials of Programming Languages"? Martin Pomije2005-04-19 21:40
Forum topicWhat happened to Charity? Andris Birkmanis2005-04-19 06:46
Forum topicAccording to Allen Holub programming is now a liberal art. When did this happen? ade_oshineye2005-04-16 22:46
StoryDominus talks about HO Perl Charles A Stewart2005-04-14 23:18
Forum topicLinks Slides Ethan Aubin2005-04-12 14:55
StoryJon Udell: Languages and environments Ehud Lamm2005-04-06 21:07
StoryHow to remove a dynamic prompt: static and dynamic delimited continuation operators are equally expressible Ehud Lamm2005-04-03 13:54
StoryGrady Booch: AOSD keynote Ehud Lamm2005-03-25 16:04
Forum topicHalting program density? Greg Buchholz2005-03-23 15:27
StoryμABC: A Minimal Aspect Calculus Andris Birkmanis2005-03-22 22:02
Forum topicJournals and papers? BigZaphod2005-03-22 17:56
Forum topicBest Common Lisp IDE? ydewit2005-03-22 10:28
Forum topicReflection in Java: how are they getting with it? Andris Birkmanis2005-03-21 14:35
StoryOCaml vs. C++ for Dynamic Programming Ehud Lamm2005-03-21 14:06
StoryA New Approach to Abstract Syntax with Variable Binding Dave Herman2005-03-17 08:42
StoryInterview with Donald Knuth Chris Rathman2005-03-16 07:37
StoryJavaScript and domain specific Languages Ehud Lamm2005-03-15 16:04
StoryAdobe Releases Adam and Eve Brent Fulgham2005-03-08 14:22
StorySPARQL Query Language for RDF Danny Ayers2005-03-01 21:48
Forum topicI am not a number: I am a free variable Andris Birkmanis2005-02-24 08:27
Forum topicWhat are The Atoms of Programming Languages? Dmitri Kondratiev2005-02-23 13:07
Forum topicCall-by-what? Andris Birkmanis2005-02-21 08:28
StoryBarbara Partee: Reflections of a Formal Semanticist as of Feb 2005 Ehud Lamm2005-02-18 00:29
StoryDefining new infix operators in Python Dominic Fox2005-02-17 03:28