
typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topichow many lines of code can civilization support? Thomas Lord2015-04-09 22:07
Forum topicFuture of Programming Videos, final program Sean McDirmid2014-12-12 14:09
Forum topicOptimisation by repeated beta- and eta-reduction L Spice2014-09-22 01:00
StoryApple Introduces Swift bashyal2014-08-21 17:54
Forum topicBrendan Eich, CEO of mozilla Sean McDirmid2014-04-13 18:55
Forum topicMinimal implementation of state machines giuseppemag2014-02-01 05:12
StoryWhat needs to be done? Ehud Lamm2011-11-07 05:29
StoryMemory Models: A Case for Rethinking Parallel Languages and Hardware, CACM, August 2010 Z-Bo2011-03-14 05:47
Forum topicI've run out of programming languages to study Josh Griggs2011-02-27 03:20
Forum topicClojure's Solutions to the Expression Problem fogus2010-11-27 07:21
Forum topicLucid, Gipsy paper raould2009-08-08 20:55
Forum topicsubjective but hopefully less flamebaid-lame raould2009-06-30 17:39
Forum topicTeaching oneself Abstract Interpretation ? David Teller2008-03-29 09:16
Forum topicDeliverable code? Hank Thediek2007-04-16 11:52