Thomas Lord

typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicHow can languages help us in terms of achieving correct program design? bryanedds2015-02-02 17:56
Forum topicmanaging closed worlds of symbols via alpha-renaming in loosely coupled concurrent apps Rys McCusker2015-01-10 00:45
Forum topicLet's kick continuations around for a while... Ray Dillinger2014-12-26 18:05
Forum topicWhy do we need modules at all? Sean McDirmid2014-12-06 15:20
Forum topicConcatenative Language Kont Chris2014-10-22 09:15
StoryOpen thread: RIP Steve Jobs Ehud Lamm2014-10-05 00:19
Forum topicExperiment Ehud Lamm2014-10-01 17:10
Forum topicOptimisation by repeated beta- and eta-reduction L Spice2014-09-22 01:00
Forum topicWho Needs Garbage Collection? Keean Schupke2014-09-20 06:41
StoryWhat's in store for the most widely used language by discerning hackers? Ehud Lamm2014-09-18 04:37
Forum topicout of memory Rys McCusker2014-08-17 09:54
Forum topicWhat's in a name? Sean McDirmid2014-07-22 03:28
Forum topicSlots as reifications of OOP method names Joaquín M López Muñoz2014-07-21 21:44
Forum topicrequest for namespace binding service terminology Rys McCusker2014-07-21 19:12
Forum topicThe year that was: 1965. Hank Thediek2014-07-19 13:10
Forum topicAmbiguous language namespaces Sean McDirmid2014-07-04 03:31
Forum topicstates in stateless machine Ivan V.2014-06-06 22:12
Forum topicInquiry into the nature of software complexity. bryanedds2014-04-24 20:30
StoryStudy finds that when no financial interests are involved programmers choose DECENT languages Ehud Lamm2014-04-15 05:59
Forum topicModelling Actors with Locks laforge492014-04-14 06:21
Forum topicBrendan Eich, CEO of mozilla Sean McDirmid2014-04-13 18:55
Forum topicLeslie Lamport: Thinking for Programmers Charles Torre2014-04-12 13:41
StoryWhat Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design? James Iry2014-03-31 20:55
Forum topicThe Evolution of CS Papers Sean McDirmid2014-03-11 14:09
Forum topicResilient Languages spdegabrielle2014-03-11 00:57