Kevin Millikin

typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicThe replay bug Denis Bredelet -jido2006-11-21 00:46
Forum topicFunctional programming and software engineering Kay Schluehr2006-11-20 17:36
StoryStroustrup: A Brief Look at C++0x Ehud Lamm2006-11-15 10:37
Forum topicThe US Torture Bill as C code Ehud Lamm2006-10-15 11:09
StoryZipper-based file server/OS shapr2006-07-13 10:13
Forum topicAmusing question Ehud Lamm2006-07-08 19:19
Forum topicA new implementation of recursive-descent parsing? Achilleas Margaritis2006-07-07 18:13
Forum topicParameteric Polymorphism from a C++ Perspective (good or bad?) cdiggins2006-05-10 20:57
StoryIan Bicking: The challenge of metaprogramming Ehud Lamm2006-03-06 17:42
Forum topicIs there a formal basis for generators? Peter Nuttall2006-02-21 12:53
Forum topicWhat is a monad, why should I use it, and when is it appropriate? Jonathan Allen2006-02-03 10:54
Forum topicWhy type systems are interesting - part III: latent types Anton van Straaten2005-07-14 01:39
Forum topicWhy recursing is better than looping johnnyb2005-06-29 20:27
Forum topicStatic Types vs. Partially Evaluated Latent Types Greg Buchholz2005-06-24 16:10
StoryA Monadic Framework for Subcontinuations Andris Birkmanis2005-06-24 14:19
StoryHow to remove a dynamic prompt: static and dynamic delimited continuation operators are equally expressible Ehud Lamm2005-04-03 13:54
StoryNormal-order direct-style beta-evaluator with syntax-rules, and the repeated applications of call/cc Ehud Lamm2005-01-23 00:21
StoryKiller Props for Computer Scientist! Noel2004-12-18 02:16
StoryMore from Udell on typing Ehud Lamm2004-09-20 22:50
Forum topicGrad School advice Patrick Schultz2004-08-23 20:26
Forum topicSome stupid questions on denotational semantics Klaus Ostermann2004-06-24 20:35