
typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicType systems for acyclic terms marco2018-02-09 08:26
Forum topicDefunctionalization+Refunctionalization+Expression Problem chrisoliver2018-02-02 04:24
Forum topicAlgebra Of Pointers Keean Schupke2017-12-30 13:48
StoryCopattern matching and first-class observations in OCaml, with a macro naasking2017-12-25 02:52
Forum topicHelp with Herbelin jimdesu2017-12-21 16:01
Forum topicA Functional Representation of Data Structures with a Hole (1998) Vladimir Slepnev2017-12-01 12:08
Forum topicNon-determinism: a sublanguage rather than a monad Greg Buchholz2017-10-28 07:57
Story"8th" - a gentle introduction to a modern Forth Allan McInnes2017-10-14 05:08
StoryProceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages Ehud Lamm2017-09-06 06:36
Forum topicLanguage features for tracing JIT? Luke Gorrie2017-08-21 14:33
Forum topicNew simple proof system Edwin Zacharias2017-08-13 22:29
Forum topichobbes, Morgan Stanley OSS Kalani2017-07-27 14:55
Forum topicAffine Types - Introductory reading filipallberg2017-07-10 02:17
Forum topicHow to name the inverse functions of constructors hbrandl2017-07-03 00:16
StoryType Systems as Macros naasking2017-06-25 11:19
Forum topicRestructor: Full Program Automatic Refactoring Wouter2017-06-16 21:17
Forum topicFree links to all (or practically all) recent SIGPLAN papers emery2017-06-04 03:32
Story Imperative Functional Programs that Explain their Work gasche2017-05-31 09:03
Forum topicFinding Solutions vs. Verifying Solutions Ivan V.2017-05-29 18:23
Forum topicA refutation of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem Enrique Perez Arnaud2017-05-25 18:11
Forum topicProve: 'Cont r a = (a -> r) -> r' forms a monad marco2017-05-16 02:03
Forum topicCompiler IDE API Keean Schupke2017-04-14 06:08
StoryIdris 1.0 Released Ehud Lamm2017-04-02 22:33
Forum topicRust's language ergonomics initiative gasche2017-03-11 09:00
StoryContextual isomorphisms gasche2017-03-10 16:30