
typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicProve: 'Cont r a = (a -> r) -> r' forms a monad marco2017-05-16 02:03
Forum topicCompiler IDE API Keean Schupke2017-04-14 06:08
StoryIdris 1.0 Released Ehud Lamm2017-04-02 22:33
Forum topicRust's language ergonomics initiative gasche2017-03-11 09:00
StoryContextual isomorphisms gasche2017-03-10 16:30
Forum topicControlling Reductions skaller2017-03-05 08:04
StorySalon des Refusés -- Dialectics for new computer science gasche2017-02-19 07:18
Forum topicHow will look a modern imperative language? All love here is functional only.. mamcx2017-02-18 18:58
StoryDo Be Do Be Do gasche2017-01-12 18:51
StoryThe complexity of abstract machines gasche2017-01-12 01:09
Forum topicMarkdown support? gasche2017-01-10 13:52
StoryStroustrup's Rule and Layering Over Time Ehud Lamm2017-01-04 21:43
Forum topicjsMath support? neelk2016-12-29 16:05
Forum topicList of POPL 2017 papers with crowd-sourced preprint links gasche2016-12-08 18:05
Forum topicSplitting witnesses up Z-Bo2016-11-30 17:22
Forum topicBottom Types Keean Schupke2016-10-07 22:33
StoryPycket: A Tracing JIT For a Functional Language gasche2016-10-06 00:41
Forum topicTerm Rewrite System Implementations? Ivan V.2016-09-18 00:10
Forum topicIs there a language with the ability to write arbitrary type functions? davidb2016-08-24 18:18
StoryFully Abstract Compilation via Universal Embedding naasking2016-08-04 09:26
Forum topichow to design PL support for effects emerging from parallel non-determinism? Rys McCusker2016-07-15 20:51
Forum topicRecursive types skaller2016-06-17 06:02
StoryHow to Build Static Checking Systems Using Orders of Magnitude Less Code naasking2016-06-12 18:06
Forum topicPLDI 2016 Proceedings now available on-line, free for 3 weeks emery2016-06-04 17:30
Forum topicPL's hotness challenge Sean McDirmid2016-05-10 06:04