Ray Dillinger

typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism pgregory2012-01-07 01:57
Forum topiciPhone PL lockdown Sean McDirmid2011-12-24 05:49
Forum topicWhy is tail call optimization an issue in GC'd languages? Sriram Srinivasan2011-08-02 09:20
Forum topicThe Last Language? Dominic Fox2011-07-20 14:51
Forum topicParallel bars Andy Wingo2011-07-18 23:51
StoryRob Pike: Public Static Void Ehud Lamm2011-07-10 18:36
Forum topicHow to explain a new programming language? Sean McDirmid2011-07-07 02:51
Forum topicThe Value Of Syntax? Ray Dillinger2011-06-28 20:45
Forum topicmodules are anti-modular el-vadimo2011-06-27 17:31
Forum topicTypes from imported modules "leaking" into a module's public interface scottmcl2011-05-01 17:19
Forum topicStaking Claims: A History of Programming Language Design Claims and Evidence Sean McDirmid2011-04-19 23:40
Forum topicMulti-Return Function Call Matthew Morgan2011-04-14 05:45
Forum topicFirst-class environments. Discuss. ;) Manuel J. Simoni2010-11-18 13:31
StoryProgramming CNC machines in Haskell Ehud Lamm2010-05-24 13:24
Forum topicCapability-based security; how does it work? Ray Dillinger2010-05-01 19:23
Forum topicHow can C Programs be so Reliable? Manuel J. Simoni2010-04-23 11:54
Forum topicStatic Typing Where Possible, Dynamic Typing When Needed Isaac Gouy2010-04-20 22:32
StoryCan functional programming be liberated from the von Neumann paradigm? Charles Stewart2010-04-14 20:25
StoryClojure’s Mini-languages Ehud Lamm2010-04-13 03:46
Forum topicrsr6 versus rsr5 for interpreter Carter Cheng2010-04-08 18:33
Forum topicWill data-intensive computing revolutionize programming languages? Peter Van Roy2010-03-30 16:54
Forum topicType system design choices Michiel Helvensteijn2010-03-18 08:24
Forum topicShould let be generalized? Douglas McClean2010-03-12 21:18
Forum topicSmall PL Thought Experiment scottmcl2010-03-11 18:11
Forum topicLISP basis for computable functions on S-Expressions. Dr.GEorGE2010-03-10 11:29