Ray Dillinger

typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicA New Kind of Type System Sean McDirmid2013-07-03 18:06
Forum topicLibrary vs. domain specific language Gergely Buday2013-06-28 15:39
Storythe gnu extension language Manuel J. Simoni2013-06-28 14:23
Forum topicDefine it twice -- preemptive bughunting or waste of time? Ray Dillinger2013-06-15 09:31
Forum topicTeaching Garbage-Collection shriramk2013-06-13 16:51
Forum topicA discussion from the trenches. Eric Biederman2013-06-10 15:08
StoryOn the history of the question of whether natural language is “illogical” Ehud Lamm2013-06-06 15:18
Forum topicNimrod: A new statically typed, compiled programming language which supports metaprogramming dom962013-05-29 22:46
Forum topicA reversible Javascript interpreter Will Thimbleby2013-05-27 05:46
Forum topicwhat's a useful definition of equivalent functions? Ray Dillinger2013-05-20 09:29
StoryObservational Equality, Now! James Iry2013-05-16 02:24
Forum topicWe're doing it wrong.... Ray Dillinger2013-05-15 19:34
Forum topictexts & otherwise for bottom up teaching/learning mfidelman2013-05-15 02:45
Forum topic"Relational Model Outgrown" CACM May 2013 Hewitt2013-05-10 01:56
Forum topicThe Unreasonable Effectiveness of C raould2013-05-08 19:47
Forum topicNesting of quasi-quotation Jules Jacobs2013-05-08 03:50
Forum topicAn interactive approach to teaching programming concepts Damian Gill2013-04-29 12:22
Forum topicCall-by-reference decided by caller tkirchner2013-04-27 23:23
StoryDependent Types for JavaScript naasking2013-04-18 10:44
StoryRule 110 in HTML5 + CSS3 Z-Bo2013-04-09 08:23
Forum topicBest maintainable evaluation strategy? tkirchner2013-03-31 18:09
Forum topicType dispatch on continuations is isomorphic to type dispatch on calls. Why therefore is it considered "unsound?" Ray Dillinger2013-03-31 08:49
Forum topicSeeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages scottmcl2013-03-31 00:40
Forum topicgeneral thread model motivations? Rys McCusker2013-03-25 16:21
Forum topicsyntax and nesting: Lispy or Algol'ish? Ray Dillinger2013-03-15 18:02