John Shutt

typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicArchaeological dig to find the first Lisp example of the Y-combinator filipallberg2017-01-31 00:42
StoryStroustrup's Rule and Layering Over Time Ehud Lamm2017-01-04 21:43
Forum topicEliminating left recursion skaller2016-12-13 00:23
Forum topicOn the (Alleged) Value of Proof for Assurance shap2016-11-24 01:04
StoryPhilip Wadler: Category Theory for the Working Hacker Ehud Lamm2016-09-23 20:29
Forum topicTerm Rewrite System Implementations? Ivan V.2016-09-18 00:10
Forum topicLecturing birds how to fly Charles Stewart2016-09-07 18:46
Forum topicProgramming Languages as Mathematical Representations mfidelman2016-09-03 23:25
Forum topicIs there a language with the ability to write arbitrary type functions? davidb2016-08-24 18:18
Forum topicMicroscript Ivan V.2016-08-08 22:31
Forum topicA language for blind uncomprehending idiots who have no idea how programs work. Ray Dillinger2016-08-08 13:51
Forum topichow to design PL support for effects emerging from parallel non-determinism? Rys McCusker2016-07-15 20:51
Forum topicTheory of syntax extensions: does it exist? johnwcowan2016-05-30 10:47
Forum topicSTEPS Toward the Reinvention of Programming, 2012 Final Report Greg Buchholz2016-05-26 05:14
Forum topicWas there a language with an explicit call stack? Alex Shpilkin2016-05-13 11:57
Forum topicPL's hotness challenge Sean McDirmid2016-05-10 06:04
Forum topicBest successor to Scheme? raould2016-05-03 06:31
Forum topicRemora: An Array-Oriented Language with Static Rank Polymorphism raould2016-04-24 16:35
Forum topicBinary Representation - Is it something to rise above? Ray Dillinger2016-04-24 02:14
Forum topicFormalization and programming language design -- explained to all gasche2016-04-01 05:40
Forum topicEarl Grey; the story of a new programming language Greg Buchholz2016-03-31 23:37
Forum topicIs the "Getting started"-guide up-to-date? filipallberg2016-03-29 06:03
StoryC is Manly, Python is for “n00bs”: How False Stereotypes Turn Into Technical “Truths” Allan McInnes2016-03-25 19:25
Forum topicLogic Programming with Failure as an Exception Keean Schupke2016-03-07 06:17
Forum topicWhither actual generality/customizability/flexibility? raould2016-03-06 14:59