
typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicImplementing the communication semantics of actors Andrew Moss2015-08-24 18:31
Forum topicEric Lippert's Sharp Regrets Wolf Logan2015-08-24 11:10
Forum topicHarnessing Curiosity to Increase Correctness in End-User Programming Blaisorblade2015-08-22 19:05
Forum topicAre Actors a Good Model for Computation. Keean Schupke2015-08-19 02:04
Forum topic"Inconsistency Robustness" now available Hewitt2015-08-17 21:21
Forum topicLimitations of FRP? Sean McDirmid2015-08-04 08:28
Forum topicAggregations (e.g., sets) in Logic Programs Hewitt2015-08-03 00:08
Forum topicResearch vs implementation, theory vs practice, and LtU Blaisorblade2015-07-28 16:57
Forum topic"Prep" in programming languages Hewitt2015-07-25 23:26
Forum topicWhen are Actors appropriate? raould2015-07-21 16:25
Forum topicFixed points considered harmful Hewitt2015-07-21 06:16
Forum topicLamport: Interprocess Communication Allan McInnes2015-07-07 08:06
Forum topicStrengthening Process Calculi raould2015-07-06 12:07
Forum topicCompilation to C, a definitive guide? naasking2015-07-05 19:00
Forum topicWho owns your research? Results of SIGPLAN Open Access survey gasche2015-06-25 06:55
Forum topicMathematics self-proves its own Consistency (contra Gödel et. al.) Hewitt2015-06-25 00:05
Forum topicBi-simulation in security auditing Hewitt2015-06-24 21:29
Forum topicThe Page-Fault Weird Machine: Lessons in Instruction-less Computation marco2015-06-24 18:46
Forum topicDedekind, Cantor, Conway, & Hewitt (w/ some Chomsky) Thomas Lord2015-06-23 16:20
StorySelf-Representation in Girard’s System U naasking2015-06-18 22:53
Forum topicGood syntax for single argument methods? Sean McDirmid2015-06-17 21:36
Forum topicXKCD on type theory... Ray Dillinger2015-06-16 21:32
Forum topicThe evolution of Rust qznc2015-06-07 16:54
Forum topicPaper journals are in bad shape; priority established in HAL ... Hewitt2015-06-07 15:39
Forum topicprocess oriented PL boot-strapping Rys McCusker2015-06-05 17:47