Daniel Yokomizo

typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicStatic Analysis for Duck Typing grom3582008-05-03 22:13
Forum topicProving compositions Hank Thediek2008-04-20 14:05
Forum topicGilad Bracha: Cutting out Static Matt Hellige2008-04-09 15:48
StorySoftware Craftsmanship: Apprentice to Journeyman Daniel Yokomizo2008-04-07 08:43
StoryApril 1st special: The War of the Worlds Ehud Lamm2008-04-06 15:50
Forum topicOverloading in a statically typed functional language Alex Rubinsteyn2008-04-01 20:49
Forum topicConfused Deputies in Programming Languages naasking2008-03-18 02:47
Forum topicHow useful is reflection, anyway? Scott Johnson2008-01-31 18:41
Forum topicpoll: syntax Givas2008-01-25 02:00
Forum topic(newbie question) Covariance and contravariance chihiro2008-01-15 21:00
StoryTheorem proving support in programming language semantics Paul Snively2008-01-13 07:36
StoryCall-by-value Termination in the Untyped Lambda-calculus Daniel Yokomizo2008-01-08 23:22
Forum topic"Recent Post" funkiness Dave Lopez2007-09-24 20:12
StoryOOP Is Much Better in Theory Than in Practice Ehud Lamm2007-06-18 22:39
StoryNaked Objects Noel2007-06-12 23:46
Forum topicTotal Functional Programming Greg Buchholz2007-05-27 20:18
StoryLisp is sin Ehud Lamm2007-05-19 19:51
StoryGenerics as a Library Matt Hellige2007-05-09 00:11
Forum topicWhy do we need finally in try? Tom Primožič2007-03-15 16:08
Forum topicBehaviour Diffing Holgly Morgan2007-03-04 17:44
StoryProgramming Shorthands James Hague2007-02-10 00:09
StoryTermination Checking with Types neelk2007-02-09 20:53
Forum topicCompile time garbage collection vintermann2007-02-08 12:17
StoryNinety-nine Lisp Problems Ehud Lamm2007-01-24 18:03
Forum topicOO Language Engineering for the Post-Java Era Isaac Gouy2007-01-18 17:55