James Lottes

typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicA refutation of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem Enrique Perez Arnaud2017-05-25 18:11
Forum topicCFL parsing, and another way to look at the CNF... Cyril2017-03-07 07:27
Forum topicEliminating left recursion skaller2016-12-13 00:23
Forum topicWhen are Actors appropriate? raould2015-07-21 16:25
Forum topicFixed points considered harmful Hewitt2015-07-21 06:16
Forum topicMathematics self-proves its own Consistency (contra Gödel et. al.) Hewitt2015-06-25 00:05
Forum topicControversy over the definition of "Logic Program" Hewitt2015-05-03 22:07
Forum topicValue-level programming Vladimir Slepnev2014-05-08 19:51
Forum topicStrong Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science Hewitt2013-11-25 14:58