
J2SE 5.0 released

Sun announced the release of the Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0.

Most of the new features that are interesting from a language design perspective were discussed here in the past. These include generics, autoboxing/unboxing, metadata and typesafe enums. We also discussed some of the new libraries and APIs.

I can understand how Gosling is feeling right now: I wouldn't feel comfortable being responsible for a language without generics...

What's next for Java? The new release model is explained here. The general design philosophy here.

looking for an old conversation on Clean

I believe there was a conversation on LtU once (perhaps LtU1?) where someone was explaining World-passing style in Clean (I think it was Clean), and explained that there was some syntax for making the World-passing implicit, so that it'll just automatically thread it through for you. I've searched the archives for a while to no avail. Does anyone remember the conversation I'm referring to?

Generalized ADTs in Haskell

Simon Peyton-Jones, via Haskell-list:

I've finished my first attempt at implementing Generalised Algebraic
Data types in GHC. Ordinary algebraic data types are generalised to
allow you to write an explicit type signature for each constructor; for

     data Term a where
	Lit :: Int -> Term Int
	Succ :: Term Int -> Term Int
	IsZero :: Term Int -> Term Bool	
	If :: Term Bool -> Term a -> Term a -> Term a

Notice that some of these constructors have return types that are not
just "Term a"... that's the whole point! Now you can write typed
evaluator for these terms:

    eval :: Term a -> a
    eval (Lit i)		= i
    eval (Succ t) 	= 1 + eval t
    eval (IsZero i) 	= eval i == 0
    eval (If b e1 e2)	= if eval b then eval e1 else eval e2

This is implementation of the "wobbly types" we've discussed before in GHC, slated for release in version 6.4. Simon also give a pointer to Tim Sheard's site, as he's done a lot of related work. There I found an interesting looking paper on Omega, a language which takes the GADT idea even further.

patterns in qmail

You might remember qmail from the MFA trial run discussed here before.

If so you might be interested in the paper The Security Architecture of qmail by M. Hafiz, R. Johnson, R. Afandi, PLoP2004.