
Premonoidal categories and notions of computation

I am currently working through Premonoidal categories and notions of computation.
Eugenio Moggi, in (Moggi 1991), advocated the use of monads, equivalently Kleisli triples, to model what he called notions of computation.
Here, we reformulate his theory. We take the base category and the category providing the denotational semantics of the extended language as primitive, and add extra structure and conditions to those and the inclusion functor of the first into the second. This more flexible and somewhat more general framework allows us to model sequential composition of programs directly by sequential composition in our extended category, rather than by a sometimes complex construction involving a monad.
As my knowledge of monads and CT is very limited, it's pretty tough... Does anybody have any opinion on the value of this paper and importance of premonoidal categories to CS?


Language Design 101

Some of our most read threads are our introductions to type systems, monads and continuations, so I guess it wouldn't hurt to start yet another getting started thread.

From time to time we have questions posted about how to start designing a language, or a DSL; I think it would be helpful to collect links to various resources that might help people trying to design their first (or second, or third...) language.

Resources may include design tips, methodological suggestions, detailed discussion of major features (e.g., how important is type inferencing) etc. Think of utter beginners, but also about language mavens with little language design experience.

Two requests: (1) Let's not to turn this into a thread about language implementation tips. We'll do that one later. (2) If we dicussed the papers you recommend in the past, give links to the previous LtU threads.