
Departments in need...

Some of our departments receive less attention than others. This has got to stop!

In the spirit of affirmative action, here are two departments that deserve more attention (and more new items) than they currently get:

The Logic/Declarative dept. dedicated to Prolog and other logic programming languages, as well as to other forms of declarative programming (e.g., DSLs, constraints solving etc.). It also deals with all kinds of theory regarding these issues and implementation strategies.

The second department I want to highlight is the history dept. dedicated to items about the history of programming languages, and sometimes even to items about the history of programming and CS in general.

If you are a contributing editor, consider helping these departments by posting new items to them. If you are LtU regular with interest in these fields, how about signing up as a contributing editor and helping out?

Gilad Bracha: Will Continuations continue?

There are a variety of reasons why we haven’t implemented continuations in the JVM. High on the list: continuations are costly to implement, and they might reek havoc with Java SE security model. These arguments are pragmatic and a tad unsatisfying. If a feature is really important, shouldn’t we just bite the bullet?

Many here will not like the answer.

This issue was discussed here mnay time, of course, but I think it is of interest to know what the people at Sun are thinking...

Tim Bray's response is also worth checking out, if only for the sake of this sound bite: The worst AJAX apps are like bad Nineties VB.

Alan Turing

The Turing Archive for the History of Computing is a major Internet project. The site is currently scheduled for completion by the end of 2004. We hope you will enjoy—and learn from—what we have done so far.

The documents that form the historical record of the development of computing are scattered throughout various archives, libraries and museums around the world. Until now, to study these documents required a knowledge of where to look, and a fistful of air tickets. This Virtual Archive contains digital facsimiles of the documents. The Archive places the history of computing, as told by the original documents, onto your own computer screen.

This site also contains a section on codebreaking and a series of reference articles concerning Turing and his work.

(Introduction copied from the website, hope that is allowed)

Found this site while wandering about on the internet. Didn't see any reference to it on Ltu.


The Automath Archive was created by the Brouwer Institute in Nijmegen and the Formal Methods section of Eindhoven University of Technology. Started by prof. H. Barendregt, in cooperation with Rob Nederpelt, this archive project was launched to digitize valuable historical articles and other documentation concerning the Automath project.

Initiated by prof. N.G. de Bruijn, the project Automath (1967 until the early 80's) aimed at designing a language for expressing complete mathematical theories in such a way that a computer can verify the correctness. This project can be seen as the predecessor of type theoretical proof assistants such as the well known Nuprl and Coq.
(Introduction copied from the website, hope that is allowed).

Ehud, I hope this satisfies your wish for historical CS subjects.

Erlang/OTP release with multiprocessor support

Erlang/OTP R11B has now been released with support for transparently scheduling Erlang processes across multiple CPUs.

Congratulations to the OTP and HiPE teams and to Tony Rogvall for making this a reality!