
Of Course ML Has Monads!

Of Course ML Has Monads! from Bob Harper's Blog:

A popular meme in the world of PL’s is that “Haskell has monads”, with the implication that this is a distinctive feature of the language, separate from all others. While it is true that Haskell has popularized the use of monads as a program structuring device, the idea of a monad is not so much an issue of language design (apart from the ad hoc syntactic support provided by Haskell), but rather one of library design.
In an ironic twist the emphasis on monads in Haskell means that programming in Haskell is rather like programming in an updated dialect of Algol with a richer type structure than the original, but the same overall structure.

Examined from the point of view of ML, monads are but a particular of use of modules. [..]

While some LtU regulars have noticed and replied to this post, I guess not everyone has noticed it.

I found of particular interest the comments by Andreas Rossberg and Andrej Bauer .