
return-type polymorphism of monads done right in a dynamic language

While monads can be encoded in dynamically-typed language, the usual encodings are usually uglier than monads in type-class-based language because type inference is not there to help determine which monad instance we're talking about. Some use-cases of type inference can be replaced by dynamic type dispatch, but not the so-called "return type polymorphism" where it is the type expected by the context that matters, not the type carried by values. Monads are just one instance where return-type polymorphism matters (in the form of "return : forall a, a -> m a"), but this is a general problem with other structures (typically structures with a default element such as monoids/groups).

Intuitively it seems that this problem would be solveable by keeping, in the dynamic type representation, a "not known yet" marker, and using the free monad operations in this case. But there is a gap from intuition from usable code, and Tony Garnock-Jones just wrote a very nice blog post exposing this technique in Racket:

Monads in Dynamically-Typed Languages

(run-io (do (mdisplay "Enter a number: ")
            n <- mread
            all-n <- (return (for/list [(i n)] i))
            evens <- (return (do i <- all-n
                                 #:guard (even? i)
                                 (return i)))
            (return evens)))