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Monads vs. ActorsI just read Gilad Bracha's post "Why Monads Might not Matter." He argues that monads are probably too complicated for most programmers to understand, and that actors might work better as a primary abstraction to solve similar problems. Sharing a similar school of OO thought, this post really resonates with me, although I wonder if we are still misunderstanding monads. In particular, are monads meant to be...
Glancing at the comments, I see many arguments. Monads have supposedly been successfully used in scalaz, but I wonder if this is because Scala has attracted more Haskell programmers than Java programmers as of late. Monads and more general arrows have been used to describe FRP, but I always thought that this was an implementation detail that distracted from elegance of the FRP abstractions themselves (and as a result I really didn't get FRP until making the connection with FrTime). Erik Meijer et al. have brought monad-based technology to .NET via yield statements, LINQ, and Rx, but again...when using these abstractions, I don't see or care about whatever monads are involved. Am I still missing the point? Surely actors can be implemented with monads, but that isn't the point. What should programmers see? By Sean McDirmid at 2011-02-13 01:24 | LtU Forum | previous forum topic | next forum topic | other blogs | 35482 reads
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