Haskell is not not ML. Ben Rudiak-Gould, Alan Mycroft, and Simon Peyton Jones. European Symposium on Programming 2006 (ESOP'06).
We present a typed calculus IL ("intermediate language") which supports the embedding of ML-like (strict, eager) and Haskell-like (non-strict, lazy) languages, without favoring either. IL's type system includes negation (continuations), but not implication (function arrow). Within IL we find that lifted sums and products can be represented as the double negation of their unlifted counterparts. We exhibit a compilation function from IL to AM --- an abstract von Neumann machine --- which maps values of ordinary and doubly negated types to heap structures resembling those found in practical implementations of languages in the ML and Haskell families. Finally, we show that a small variation in the design of AM allows us to treat any ML value as a Haskell value at runtime without cost, and project a Haskell value onto an ML type with only the cost of a Haskell deepSeq. This suggests that IL and AM may be useful as a compilation and execution model for a new language which combines the best features of strict and non-strict functional programming.
The authors start from the claim that most of the differences between SML and Haskell are independent of evaluation order. Is it possible, they wonder, to design a hybrid language which in some way abstracts over possible evaluation orders?
This papers leaves the language design for future work, and concentrates on the implementation costs. The results seem positive, so one hopes this project will mature and end the civil war between lazy and eager functional programming...
More information on this project is likely to appear here.
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