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Abstractionless programming
Since this shiny new forum is rather empty, let me get the ball rolling...
I have been thinking lately about ways to do programming without abstraction. Before you start yelling at me that this is not possible, don't take it too seriously, treat this as a thought exercise. My motivation is twofold:
My design sofar has you editing a tree based view of the actual unabstracted code. As you drag subtrees around, the environment marks things as shared/unshared (using a different background colour). This way, even functional abstraction can be created without the user even knowing what it is (creating a local change in a shared subtree is like having an argument to a function). There are a lot of mucky details, but I believe it may be possible to have a system that always refactors for you to have the optimal sharing (thus abstraction) in the background, with the user needing to know next to nothing. Maybe a dream, but a fun experiment. Most importantly: is there anything remotely similar to this out there? google wasn't particularly helpful sofar. By Wouter at 2004-06-22 07:50 | LtU Forum | previous forum topic | next forum topic | other blogs | 16770 reads
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