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A Usability question: Too much typing?I like typing, and I see lots of things about programs that could perhaps stand to be typed that aren't. For example, I'd like a type that says if a call is (well, expected to be at any rate) synchronous or not (and then some way of using that information to catch "i assumed..." bugs). Assuming there is a large raft of concepts that could be turned into useful types and incorporated into a language, how does one prevent the typing annotation (either manually entered or, preferably, automatically derived as much as possible) from being too much of a burden - visually in the source code, if nothing else? I guess things like annotations or JML are an example of one way to format it all: have laundry lists at the top of the function definition. Having some (multiple) inheritance system might work, although then you are in the painful world of sorting through the hierarchy to figure out what your particular concrete item really is. By raould at 2006-12-21 18:34 | LtU Forum | previous forum topic | next forum topic | other blogs | 6417 reads
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