DanFest 2004 videos online

I am pleased to announce that twenty-one talks from Dan Friedman's 60th birthday festschrift are now on Google Video. You can find links to the talks on the official DanFest home page. Every LtU reader should find at least several talks of interest:

  • Andrew Hanson: Welcome to DanFest
  • Mitch Wand: Relating models of backtracking
  • Lynn Winebarger: Extending Scheme for bottom-up relational programming
  • Bil Lewis: Debugging backwards in time
  • Steve Ganz: Monadic Encapsulation of State
  • Kent Dybvig: The guaranteed optimization clause of the macro-writer's bill of rights
  • David Wise: Introduction for Guy Steele's keynote address
  • Guy Steele: Dan Friedman: Cool Ideas (Keynote address)
  • Olin Shivers: The anatomy of a loop: a story of scope and control
  • Kevin Millikin: Obfuscating transformations via abstract interpretation
  • Bob Filman: Poetry in programs: A brief examination of software aesthetics, including some observations on the history of programming styles and some speculations on post-object programming
  • Gerald Jay Sussman: The role of programming in the formulation of ideas
  • Anurag Mendhekar: Aspect-oriented programming in the real world
  • Shriram Krishnamurthi: Verification of web programs
  • Jim Marshall: Introductory cognitive science course using Scheme
  • Rhys Price Jones: DNA analysis
  • Oleg Kiselyov: Normal-order syntax-rules and proving the fix-point of call/cc
  • Julia Lawall: On designing a target-independent DSL for safe OS process scheduling components
  • Kathi Fisler: Aspect verification using model checking
  • Jonathan Sobel: Implementing Categorical Semantics
  • Matthias Felleisen and Robby Findler: An investigation of contracts as projections

DanFest was previously mentioned on LtU. In fact, Ehud wrote, "I sure wish that [Guy Steele's] keynote was available online somewhere.". Not only will you enjoy the keynote, Ehud, but you might even find a talk given in the style of The Little Schemer. :-)

In addition to watching the talks online, you can download the videos to your computer and watch them at a higher resolution with Google Video Player.



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guy steele's keynote

I see the introduction of Guy Steele but no keynote of the man himself!


Thanks! We'll fix the link ASAP. For now, here is the direct link.



cool ideas

My favorite Dan-idea from Guy's talk: encapsulate non-determinism (or other various semantic differences) in the same basic data structures. So cons (or frons) might represent lists, streams, sets, multisets, etc. but the structure of the code always looks similar.

It was worth the wait...

It was worth the wait... Great stuff.

As a young child I too, like Guy, was snowed in the blizzard of '78 in Boston... Years later I fell in love with GEB, which led the way to, or at least was influential on, my fascination with programming languages. I guess that while Guy was reading the draft Doug Hofstadter gave him during that snow strom, the aura of both minds influenced my then developing mind, also in Boston, in these dangerous directions. Yet another proof that it's a small world after all...

Skinner? Ouch! I always

Skinner? Ouch! I always thought it was the Socratic Method...

It's a shame...

I went looking for Dr. Marshall's materials online for his Intro to Cognitive Science course that he indicated were available. I guess the talk was given long enough ago that the links are dead.

Re: It's a shame...


The link to the Intro to Cognitive Science course materials should now be fixed. (I moved from Pomona to Sarah Lawrence recently and haven't yet updated all the links.) Thanks for the reminder!

Wow, thanks. I found the

Wow, thanks. I found the talk interesting and I didn't expect the links to be fixed so quickly or at all.

Implementing Categorical Semantics

The video on categorical semantics by Jonathan Sobel was interesting. Did a paper ever come out of it? He said in the video that he was working on a dissertation, but his web page at Indiana University hasn't been updated in a while and has no mention of it.

I too found Sobels talk to

I too found Sobels talk to be fascinating, a 2.5 minute intro to category theory. Difinitly enlightening.

Site offline ...

Can someone post direct links to the google videos please? The indiana site seems to be down and google video doesn't turn up anything when searching for the danfest 2004 videos. Even Guy Steele keynote video doesn't turn up when I searched for "Guy Steele". Enjoyed that talk a lot and am craving for more!

Thanks in advance.

Site is no longer offline

But just in case it happens again:

Friday, December 3rd
  • 10:30: Welcome: Andrew Hanson, chair, IU Computer Science Department (video)
  • 10:40: Mitch Wand: Relating models of backtracking (video)
  • 11:10: Lynn Winebarger: Extending Scheme for bottom-up relational programming (video)
  • 11:40: Bil Lewis: Debugging backwards in time (video)
12:00-1:30: Lunch 2:30: Break
  • 3:00: Guy Steele: Dan Friedman: Cool Ideas (video)

    Over the last three decades, Dan Friedman has explored many cool ideas about programming languages. We examine a handful of them and discuss their influence on other work, notably the development of Scheme.

    Introduction by David Wise (video)

4:00: Break
  • 4:30: Olin Shivers: The anatomy of a loop: a story of scope and control (video)
  • 5:00: Kevin Millikin: Obfuscating transformations via abstract interpretation (video)
  • 5:30: Bob Filman: Poetry in programs: A brief examination of software aesthetics,
    including some observations on the history of programming styles and
    some speculations on post-object programming
Saturday, December 4th
  • 9:00: Gerald Jay Sussman: The role of programming in the formulation of ideas (video)
  • 9:30: Anurag Mendhekar: Aspect-oriented programming in the real world (video)
  • 10:00: Shriram Krishnamurthi: Verification of web programs (video)
10:30: Break
  • 11:00: Jim Marshall: Introductory cognitive science course using Scheme (video)
  • 11:20: Rhys Price Jones: DNA analysis (video)
  • 11:40: Oleg Kiselyov: Normal-order syntax-rules and proving the fix-point of call/cc (video)
12:00-2:00: Luncheon -- IMU Federal Room 3:30: Break
  • 4:00: Jonathan Sobel: Implementing Categorical Semantics (video)
  • 4:30: Mike Ashley: Scheduling and Controlling Laboratory Robotic Systems with Scheme
  • 5:00: Matthias Felleisen-Robby Findler: An investigation of contracts as projections (video)
8:00 Party -- IMU Faculty Club (second floor)

Alternate location for the videos?

It looks like Google Video will be going away at the end of this month. Any chance that these can be moved to an alternate video service?


I'll second that, there's a lot here that I'd like to watch. Unfortunately I don't have the download capacity left to download very many of these this month and "Jonathan Sobel: Implementing Categorical Semantics" already says it's not available...

Google changed their mind?

It looks like Google will be migrating the the video.google.com content over to Youtube after all. However, a couple of the videos seems to have disappeared -- does anyone have an alternate location for the Guy Steele -- Cool Ideas video? Or a transcript of it? I think this one has been "temporarily unavailable" for the past year or so.