Possible Future History of Logic Programming [PDF,
98KB] by M.H. van Emden:
When the first edition of Senner's history came out in
2020, it was widely praised for its compelling view of the
development over many decades of logic
programming. Reviewers praised it for its broad perspective,
but deplored its lack of historical detail. Since then
several collections of papers have made their way from
estates via the auctions to various libraries. Senner has
taken this opportunity to incorporate these recent findings
in a new edition.
What has not changed in the new edition, and this is what
I take issue with, is that Senner presents the development
of logic programming as a relentless forward march towards
an inevitable outcome. Of course, it is true that not a
decade went by without some of the building blocks being
fashioned that we take for granted as part of the majestic
edifice that now dominates the landscape of programming.
did Prolog
achieve world
domination? (I thought
was going to win for sure?) Easy. Through the following
contributions of the 90's to logic programming:
- XML. The tree as universal data structure.
- Execution via virtual machine.
- Constraint programming.
What Senner's History of Logic Programming (MIT
Press, 2020) fails to do is pinpoint the year in which
revisionist historians
of logic programming were decisively exposed for
the frauds that they were. (Kidding.)
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